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A chase cuelist is one that when executed will automatically go from the first cue to the last cue
and then loop to the start and continue again until the cuelist is released. Any cuelist can be used
as a chase. When a cuelist is set as a chase, each individual cue becomes one "step" in the
cuelist. To set a cuelist to chase, select the cuelist and press the "Options" button in the upper-left
hand corner of the cuelist screen. When the Cuelist Options window opens, press the "Chase"
button found at the top of the screen.
When the Chase mode is selected a new box "Chase Options" is opened in the lower right hand
corner of the options screen. From here you can set the beats-per-minute rate of cue execution
and the fade percentage.
Beats Per Minute (BPM)
While these settings can be changed "live" while the chase is running (see"Displays When
Cuelist Type is "Chase"" on page 96), in the case of the Fade% it is a good idea to change the
setting in the Cue Options window, as this is much more accurate than the trackbelt.
You can now run the chase by closing the "Cue Options" pop-up and pressing the go button on
the appropriate playback fader. Note than when a cuelist is set as a chase, any internal cue
timings (fades or delays) are overridden and only the end state of the cue is used. Also, a chase
cuelist will not trigger any macros that may be recorded in it.
This setting determines the length of time between the execution
of each step of a chase. The default is 30 bpm or 1 step every
two seconds. You can increment or decrement the bpm by using
the "+" and "-" soft keys to the right of the bpm display.
This is the amount of time that each step will actually move. For
example, if you set the bpm to 15, or 4 seconds per step, and
then set the Fade% to 25, each step would execute/move in 1
second (25% of 4 seconds) and then be idle for 3 seconds
before executing the next step. You can increment or decrement
the Fade% by using the "+" and "-" soft keys to the right of the
Fade% display. You can also use the Playback Command
trackbelt to alter this value.
These buttons refer to chase styles but are currently not
implemented. All chases will move forward (lowest cue number
to highest and then looping back to the start).


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Table of Contents