Orban OPTIMOD-FM 8500S Operating Manual page 186

Digital audio processor
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Presets with LL in their names use the Hard LL bass clipper mode to achieve 13 ms
input-output delay.
The remaining presets have "optimum delay," which is approximately 18 ms de-
lay (5-band) and 21 ms delay (2-band).
band coupling. It is intended for use below threshold most of the time (i.e., with 0
dB gain reduction), to provide protection limiting in the highest quality applications
such as serious classical music intended for an attentive audience. Its L
trol determines the normal amount of gain reduction but does not increase distor-
tion or other processing artifacts when turned up.
CLASSICAL: As their names imply, the CLASSICAL 5-BAND and CLASSICAL 2-BAND
presets are optimized for classical music, gracefully handling recordings with very
wide dynamic range and sudden shifts in dynamics. The Five-Band version uses
heavy inter-band coupling to prevent large amounts of automatic re-equalization,
which could otherwise cause unnatural stridency and brightness in strings and horns
and which could pump up very low frequency rumble in live recording venues.
The Five-Band preset defeats the AGC, using only the multiband compressor for gain
reduction. It also defeats phase rotation to ensure the most transparent Five-Band
sound available.
Even more transparent, "purist" classical processing is available from the
CLASSICAL 2-BAND preset, which is phase-linear and which preserves the spectral
balance of the original material as much as possible. However, if you need a bit
more automatic re-equalization than the CLASSICAL 2-BAND preset provides, use
the CLASSICAL 5-BAND preset.
CLASSICAL-5B+AGC uses the AGC set for 2:1 compression ratio. Because of the
AGC, it affects more of the total dynamic range of the recording than does the
CLASSICAL-5 BAND preset. However, the AGC provides extremely smooth and un-
obtrusive compression because of the gentle ratio and window gating. This preset
uses the Five-Band compressor very lightly with a fast release time as a peak limiter.
The AGC does almost all of the compression.
There is also a corresponding two-band preset called CLASSICAL-2B+AGC.
COUNTRY: The COUNTRY-MEDIUM preset uses the ROCK-SMOOTH source preset. It
has a gentle bass lift and a mellow, easy-to-listen-to high end, along with enough
presence energy to help vocals to stand out. The COUNTRY-LIGHT preset uses the
ROCK-LIGHT source preset. Modern country stations might also find ROCK-MEDIUM
or ROCK-OPEN useful if they want a brighter, more up-front sound.
CRISP: CRISP provides a bright upper midrange sound by emphasizing frequencies
around 6 kHz. It is a loud preset that is appropriate for mass-appeal music formats. It
has the same bass texture as the IMPACT presets.
DANCE ENERGY: This preset is designed to preserve the punch and slam in dance
music percussion (such as the beater click in kick drums). It uses H
is a two-band preset with a high amount of
bass clipping, is


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