Connecting Using Windows Xp Modem Connection - Orban OPTIMOD-FM 8500S Operating Manual

Digital audio processor
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3. To change the properties of an existing connection:
Right-click the connection in the "connection List" window and choose "Proper-
ties." The "Connection properties" window opens (see page 2-82).

Connecting using Windows XP Modem Connection

4. Add and configure modem for Windows XP:
Skip this step if your modem is already configured and working.
A) Configure the Windows XP PC ports:
Use either an internal modem or external modem with your computer.
a) If you are using an external modem, connect the modem to a serial port on
your PC.
b) Make sure the modem is connected to a working phone line.
c) Click "Start / Control Panel / Systems."
d) Go to the "Hardware" tab and click "Device Manager."
e) In the Device Manager dialog box click the "+" next to the "Ports (COM
and LPT)" icon.
A list will branch off, showing your available ports.
f) Double-click "Communications Port (COM1) or (COM2)," depending on
how you set up your system.
The "Communications Port (Comx) Properties" dialog box opens.
Not all PCs have a COM2.
IMPORTANT: The COM port you choose at this point must match the
COM port to which you connected your modem.
g) From the tabs at the top, choose "Port Settings" and configure the settings
to match your PC modem.
If you are using a U.S. Robotics® external modem, the settings will be:
Bits per second= 115200, Data bits = 8, Parity = None, Stop bits = 1, Flow
Control = None.
h) When you are finished, click the OK button to close the "Communications
Port (Comx) Properties" dialog box.
i) Click the OK button in the "Systems Properties" dialog window.
j) Close the "Control Panel" window.
If your modem is already installed, skip to Launch an existing Windows XP modem
connection on page 2-91.
B) Install the Windows XP modem:
a) Use either an internal modem or external modem with your computer.


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