Preparing For Communication Through Modems; Connecting Using Windows 2000 Modem Connection - Orban OPTIMOD-FM 8500S Operating Manual

Digital audio processor
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Preparing for Communication through Modems

1. Prepare your 8500S for a modem connection through the serial port.
See step 2 on page 2-45.
2. If you have not already done so, create an 8500S passcode.
See To Create a Passcode on page 2-40.
3. Modem setup:
You will need two modems and two available phone lines, one of each for your PC
and your 8500S.
Reminder: Orban supports only the 3Com / U.S. Robotics® 56kbps fax
modem EXT on the 8500S side (although other 56kbps modems will often
work OK).
Connect the modem to the 8500S's serial port with a standard (not null) modem ca-
ble. The cable provided with your 8500S is a null modem cable and will not work.
You can use either an internal or an external modem with your PC.
A) Connect the telephone line from the wall phone jack to the wall connection
icon on the back of the modem (modem in).
B) Connect the modem cable from the modem to the serial port of the 8500S.
C) Set the modem to A
For 3Com / U.S. Robotics® 56kbps fax modem EXT, set dipswitches 3, 5,
and 8 in the down position to activate the
other dipswitches should be set to the up position.

Connecting Using Windows 2000 Modem Connection

This connection is used both for upgrading your 8500S and for connecting the 8500S
PC Remote application to your 8500S.
1. Add and configure modem for Windows 2000:
If your modem is already installed, skip to Launch a Windows 2000 Modem connec-
tion on page 2-86.
A) Install Windows 2000 modem:
Use either an internal modem or external modem with your computer.
a) If you are using an external modem, connect the modem to a serial port on
your PC and make sure the modem is connected to a working phone line.
and turn it on.
setting. All


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