Hexdump - Star Micronics LaserPrinter 8 Operator's Manual

Table of Contents


instance,if thepapercassetteis emptyorremoved,ALARMsounds,
the ALARMlightstayslit, and READYblinks.
ThegreenREADY light- Thislightwillblinic whenthepnnter is
warmingup. It willbeen steadilywhentheprinterisOnLineand
readyto receiveinformationfromthe computer. If theprinteris
operational, t heREADYlightwillalsobe on continuously when
the printeris Off Line.
TheamberONLINE light- Thislightwillbe on whentheprinter
is OnLine. WhentheoperatortakestheprinterOffLine,or when
an errorconditionoccurs,theprinterautomatically goesOffLine
and the lightgoesOJ.
TheamberPRINT iight- Thislightwillbe on wheninformation
is beingprinted. Otherwiseit willbe ofl.
. TheamberALARMlight-This lightwillnotbe lit unlessthereis
an error that requiresactionby the operator,such as the paper
cassette needing to be refilled. When the light goes on, the
printer'salarmbell will soundfor 5 seconds.
The amber DATA iight - This light will be on wheneverthe
printer'smemorycontainsinformationto be printed. This is to
notifythe operatorthatresettingtheprinteror turningit ofl will
resultin dataloss.
If theprinterisin theprocessofcomposinga pageorprinting,this
lightwillbe on
If theprinteris waitingformoreinformation, t he lightwillMink.
The lightwillbe offwhentheprinterprintsall the informationit
The Star LaserPrinter8 also" operatesin hexadecimal m ode. This
meansthatit willprintinformation senttoit initsequivalent h exadeci-
malnotation(to base 16numbers).Thismodeis usefulin correcting
communicationincompatibilities b etween some computersand the
StarLaserPrinter8,thatcanresultin incorrecttextor formatting.For
informationon performinga Hex Dump, see the Chapter "Trou-


Table of Contents

Table of Contents