Unpacking - Star Micronics LaserPrinter 8 Operator's Manual

Table of Contents


oneshieldedfrompowerfluctuations. I n anycase,no motor-driven
applianceshouldbe connectedto the sameoutlet,to avoidinterfer-
encewith theprinter'soperations.
accessto thecomputer/work stationhetwork - If youwillbe using
a serialconnection, t heprintershouldbeamaximumof50feetaway,
witha parallelconnection, n o morethan6 feet.
afresh tonercartridge (product# EP-S).
paper- A packageof 16-20 lb (60 -135 ~mz) photocopierpaper
isbesttostartwith;however, t heprintercanusethickerpaper, a swell
as specialmedia,suchasenvelopes,mailinglabels,and transparent
The shippingcarton containstwo layers of material. On top is a
Styrofoamtraycontaining thepapercartridge, p owercord,groundwire,
and the users'manual.
Removethe hay with its contentsand set it aside— NOT on the table
wheretheprinterwillgo. On the bottom,you will see the printerin a
plasticbag,restingin its own Styrofoamnest.
Summonyourliftingpartnerand prepareto removetheprinter. Since
it is tightlycradledin theshippingcarton,it maybe necessaryto tipthe
cartonslightlyto get a firm grip. Liftinghandlesare locatedhalf-way
back on each undersideof theprinter,but they willbe difficultto use,
becauseoftheplasticbag. LifttheprinterfiomtheStyrofoam andplace
it on the tableor stand,plasticbag and all. Now slidethe bag off by
To stabilizethe printerduringshipment,it containsseveralkinds of
protectivematerials. The frontof theprinter(Fig.2-1)has threeslots,
one about9 in. wideand two narrowerslotsbelowit. The wideslot is
packed with a paperpackageof silicagel (to absorbmoistureduring
shipping) andabrickofStyrofoam.Removebothoftheseandsavethem
for use if you mustmoveor shiptheprinteroverlongdistances.
Thereare alsopackingmaterialsinsidetheprinter. Neartherightfront
of the printer'stop you will see a postage-stampsized, rectangular
button(Figs.2-2 & 2-3).


Table of Contents

Table of Contents