Star Micronics LaserPrinter 8 Operator's Manual page 193

Table of Contents


Font— a setof letters,numbers,and symbolsof the sametypeface
Glyph— a graphicsymbolthatconveysinformation.
Handshaking — in datacommunication, t heautomaticacknowledg-
ingby thereceivingdeviceof information thathasbeen sent
to it, either by sigmls and the interface ("hard") or by
Hexdump— conversionby the printerof ASCIIsymbolsinto their
hexadecimal(base 16)equivalent. This is usefulfor pro-
grammersor other users who want to troubleshoot the
communications b etweenthe computerand theprinter.
HMI(Horizontal M otionindex)— Refersto dot spacingin thesmallest
incrementthatcan be madein the horizontalor x axis.
interface— a hardwareplug that allows cable connectionsof two
devices.For instance,a cablefroma computerparallelport
to a printersparallelport.
Landscape —printing on paperacrossits widerdimension, s uchas a
spreadsheet t hatis 11in. wideand 8 1/2in. high;landscape
pictureszueusuallywiderthan theyare tall.
NVRAM—N VRandomAccessMemoryis thepermanentstorageby
theStarLaserPrinter8ofsettingsprogrammed fromthefront
panel,evenwhenthepoweris turnedoff. Whentheprinter
Paraiiei— a communications i nterfacethatsendsorreceives8 bitsof
informationpluscontrolsignalsat a time.
Parity—abit ina serialinformation thatallowsacomputerandpnnter
to automatically checkfor errorsin transmission.
Pitch— the widthof a typefacemeasuredin charactersper inch.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents