Analog Devices ADSP-21065L EZ-KIT Lite Manual page 72

Evaluation system
Table of Contents


"100" when WR2,
"100" when WR3,
"100" when WR4,
"101" when WR_D1,
"111" when ENDW1,
"111" when ENDW2,
"111" when ENDW3,
"111" when ENDW4,
"101" when CS3,
"101" when CS4,
"101" when CS5,
"101" when CS6,
"001" when RD1,
"001" when RD2,
"001" when RD3,
"001" when RD4,
"101" when ENDR1,
"---" when others;
-- *************************************************
State/Reset Control
-- *************************************************
state_clocked:process(reset, clk)
if (reset = '1') then
present_state <= IDLE;
u_rd_bar <= '1';
u_en_bar <= '1';
u_wr_bar <= '1';
present_wstate <= WAIT0;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
present_state <= next_state;
u_rd_bar <= uart_ctrl_d(2);
u_en_bar <= uart_ctrl_d(1);
u_wr_bar <= uart_ctrl_d(0);
present_wstate <= next_wstate;
end if;
end process state_clocked;
ack <= '1' when (reset = '1') else
(u_ack AND w_ack) when ((u_ack_v = '1')
OR (w_ack_v = '1')) else
-- *************************************************
EMAFE Control logic
-- *************************************************
-- Control the buffering of data to and from the EMAFE
-- interface
-- UART State
-- UART State
-- UART State
-- UART State
-- Wait State
-- UART State
-- UART State
-- UART State
-- UART State
-- Wait State
-- Generate ACK


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