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Operation and Features

3.6.2 Gain Balance

As mentioned in Section 3.1, the odd pixels in the left half of the CCD sensor, the even pixels in
the left half of the CCD sensor, the odd pixels in the right half of the CCD sensor and the even
pixels in the right half of the CCD sensor are processed through four different electronic channels.
When you change the global gain setting as described in Section 3.6.1, you apply an equal
amount of gain to the pixel values from each channel. The gain balance settings let you
individually adjust the gain applied to the left half and to the right half of the sensor. They also allow
you to adjust the gain applied to the odd pixels and the even pixels in each half of the sensor. As
a group, these settings let you adjust the sensor's "gain balance."
Left/Right Gain Balance
The left/right gain balance is adjustable within a range from -1.00 dB to +1.00 dB in increments of
0.01 dB. The default setting is 0 dB. Setting the left/right gain balance to a positive number will
increase the gain applied to all of the pixel values from the left half of the sensor and decrease the
gain applied to all of the pixel values from the right half. Setting the left/right gain balance to a
negative number will decrease the gain applied to all of the pixel values from the left half of the
sensor and increase the gain applied to all of the pixel values from the right half.
As an example, assume that you have set the global gain on the camera to +8.00 dB and the left/
right gain balance to +1.00 dB. In this case, the camera would be operating with +9.00 dB of gain
on the left half of the sensor and +7.00 dB on the right half.
Left Odd/Even Gain Balance
The left odd/even gain balance is adjustable within a range from -1.00 dB to +1.00 dB in
increments of 0.01 dB. The default setting is 0 dB. Setting the left odd/even gain balance to a
positive number will increase the gain applied to the odd pixel values from the left half of the
sensor and decrease the gain applied to the even pixel values from the left half. Setting the left
odd/even gain balance to a negative number will decrease the gain applied to the odd pixel values
from the left half of the sensor and increase the gain applied to the even pixel values from the left
As an example, assume that you have set the global gain on the camera to +8.00 dB and the left/
right gain balance to +0.00 dB. Also assume that you have set the left odd/even gain balance to
+0.50. In this case, the camera would be operating with + 8.50 dB of gain on the odd pixels in the
left half of the sensor and +7.50 dB on the even pixels in the left half.
Right Odd/Even Gain Balance
The right odd/even gain balance is adjustable within a range from -1.00 dB to +1.00 dB in
increments of 0.01 dB. The default setting is 0 dB. Setting the right odd/even gain balance to a
positive number will increase the gain applied to the odd pixel values from the right half of the
sensor and decrease the gain applied to the even pixel values from the right half. Setting the gain
balance to a negative number will decrease the gain applied to the odd pixel values from the right
half of the sensor and increase the gain applied to the even pixel values from the right half.
As an example, assume that you have set the global gain on the camera to +6.00 dB and the left/
right gain balance to +0.00 dB. Also assume that you have set the right odd/even gain balance to
+0.25. In this case, the camera would be operating with + 6.25 dB of gain on the odd pixels in the
right half of the sensor and +5.75 dB on the even pixels in the right half.


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