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Operation and Features

3.8 Stamp

The stamp feature is not available when the dual separated video data output mode
(see Section is selected.
The stamp feature provides the user with information about each captured line such as the sum
of the pixel values in the line and the contrast value of the line. When the stamp feature is enabled,
16 extra "stamp pixels" are added to the end of each transmitted line as shown in Figure 3-12.
Each stamp pixel carries an 8 bit value that conveys information about the transmitted line.
Figure 3-12: Stamp Pixels with Edge or Level Controlled Exposure
When the camera is operating in an 8 bit output mode, the stamp pixels will be 8 bit
values. When the camera is operating in a 10 bit output mode, the stamp pixels will
be 10 bit values but only the 8 MSBs will carry information. The two LSBs will be
packed with zeros.
If the stamp feature is used together with the AOI (see Section 3.7) feature, the stamp pixels are
transmitted immediately after the last pixel in the AOI as shown in Figure 3-13. The figure
illustrates what you would see if the AOI was set for a starting pixel of 7 and a length in pixels of
10. The line valid and data valid signals will be high while the pixels in the AOI and the stamp pixels
are transmitted.


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