EDAN Acclarix AX4 User Manual page 88

Diagnostic ultrasound system, version 1.6
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Acclarix AX4 Diagnostic Ultrasound System User Manual Simpson's Method of Disks (MOD)
Simpson's MOD is a method used to calculate LV diastolic and systolic volumes and ejection
fraction. Simpson's MOD is available in the Cardiac presets.
To use the Simpson's MOD measurement:
1. Invoke the B-mode Measure function.
2. Select LV Simpson measurement on the touch screen and then select one measurement label
from A4C Dias., A4C Sys., A2C Dias., and A2C Sys..A single caliper will be displayed on
the image field.
3. Move the caliper and press Set key to position the start point A at one end of left ventricular
long axis.
4. Draw the trace along the endocardium of the left ventricle.
5. Press Set key to fix the end point B and complete the trace. A new caliper positions
automatically at the apex (Point D) of the trace, connecting the Point C (Midpoint of point A
and B). This distance between point C and D is the longest detected by the system, as shown
6. Pivot the Point D caliper to a new desired position if necessary.
7. Press Set key to complete the measurement.
See Chapter 6 Cardiac in advanced manual for the detailed Simpson measurement and
calculation results and equations. PISA
PISA (Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area) is a tool in Cardiac presets used for quantitative
analysis of regurgitation. It is only available in Color and Doppler mode.
To use PISA measurement in Color mode:
1. Adjust the color image until the aliasing appears. Invoke the Measure function.
2. Select PISA measurement on the touch screen and then select a measurement label from MR
Rad, MR Als. Vel, AR Rad, AR Als. Vel, TR Rad, TR Als.Vel, PR Rad and PR Vls. Vel. A
single caliper will be displayed on the image field.
3. Move the caliper and press Set key to position the caliper as the center of the semicircular.
4. Move the trackpad to adjust the radius length and orientation of the semicircular.
5. Press Set key to fix the semicircular and then a dialog box of "Color Aliasing Velocity" pops
6. Select "Top aliasing velocity", "Bottom aliasing velocity", or manually enter the aliasing
velocity from 0 cm/s to 500 cm/s.
7. Click OK and then measurement results are shown.
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