The Lca Scpi Interface; Overview; Port Types - Keysight N437 Series Programmer's Manual

Lightwave component analyzer
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The LCA SCPI Interface


Port Types

Keysight N437x Series Lightwave Component Analyzer, Programmer's Guide
The LCA instrument is a combined instrument. It is a network analyzer
with additional hardware and software to become the LCA. The network
analyzer already offers a SCPI interface on different ports. Now the new
LCA SCPI interface extends the existing LCA application. It is implemented
with the Keysight Translator Framework and the LCA Remote Server. Each
SCPI command is intercepted and linked to an LCA Remote Interface
method. The LCA SCPI interface is not completely IEEE compliant. It only
implements the most necessary common commands besides the
application specific commands.
The LCA SCPI interface is available either on a network socket or on the
device USB port. Other ports like GPIB are not supported. You may select
and configure one of the available types. Using both ports in parallel is not
Socket Port
The LCA SCPI talker/listener runs on port 5026. The network analyzer SCPI
interface runs on port 5025. You may run both SCPI interfaces for the
LCA and the network analyzer application in parallel, since they take
different socket ports.
USB Port
The LCA system is an integrated system. The system has only one USB
device port which can be used to control the application from a remote PC.
Therefore you can use the USB port to control either the network analyzer
via SCPI or the LCA application via SCPI. You can't control both
applications over the USB port at the same time.
You always have to run the network analyzer application to get the LCA
functionality. Therefore if you only run the network analyzer and NOT the
LCA SCPI interface, the USB device port is taken by the network analyzer
SCPI talker/listener. When you first connect your PC with a USB cable to
the LCA (combined instrument), you get the Network Analyzer
identification string if you send the *IDN? query.
Remote Operation


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