Agilent Technologies G2570A GC/MSD Installation And Operation Differences page 43

Table of Contents


Verifying the AutoTune Performance
1 Verify that the system has been pumping down for at least 60 minutes.
2 Using the GC Control Module, set the GC oven temperature to 150° C and
the column flow to 1.0 mL/min.
3 In the Instrument Control view, select Qualify / Checkout Tune.
The software will perform an autotune and print out the report.
4 When the AutoTune has completed, save the method and then select
Qualify / Tune Evaluation.
The software will evaluate the last autotune and print a System Verification - Tune
The system may fail the water background tests. All other tests should pass.
5 From the GC Control Module reload OFN_SN from the Status/Method
Files/GC Methods screen by highlighting the method and selecting the
Load (F8) key.
Do not save the modified parameters to this method.
2 Hardware Installation (Differences)
Verifying EI Scan System Performance


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