Default Path - Ametek BROOKFIELD DVNext Operation Instructions Manual

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to a schedule. The frequency is set to Daily, Weekly or Monthly increments. The Path must be specified and requires
the use of a USB Flash Drive. Check the Allow Automatic Backup check box to initiate this feature. The current
Backup file will overwrite the previous Backup file located in the path location.
TIP: You can preserve historical backup files by using multiple USB Flash Drives.
Export results
The DVNext has the ability to export results from the device as a specified format. Selecting the "Do automatic
Export" will export each result file after its final approval. The file format can be chosen from the following: CSV, PDF,
XML. The admin can set the export path for the files using the export path option.
The administrator can archive files. Found in the "Admin Functions" menu under "Manage Data," the admin can
choose to archive the results files or the audit trail. Both can be set up to be automatically uploaded via external USB
flash drive or via ethernet automatically. A frequency for the automatic archive can be chosen from the following list:
daily, weekly, or monthly. The age of the files to archive can be set up using the "Archive files older than" option. In
addition to this, the desired file type of the archive can be selected from the following file formats: .csv, .xml, or .pdf.
FTP settings
Allows the DVNext to be set up via the Ethernet. See Ethernet section for details.
Import settings
Upload Settings from a Backup file. Note: User profiles, Results and Tests are not included.
Locate the Backup file on the USB Flash Drive. Press the Import button to upload Settings from the Backup file.
Update software
The internal operating software of the AMETEK Brookfield DVNext can be updated from a USB Flash Drive as new
versions become available from AMETEK Brookfield. Insert a USB Flash Drive into the DVNext that contains the
operating software file. Select the appropriate path. Press the Update command button to bring the new software file
into the DVNext. It is very important to follow instructions on the screen.

5.4.7 Default path

The Path is the location where data or tests are stored. The DVNext will allow for storage to the Internal Memory or to
an attached USB Flash drive. The path will also include any file structure that has been created.
The Default Path identifies what location will be used as the initial location when Results are saved. The Default Path
defined in Reports - Configure Viscosity Test (saved test or unsaved test) will take priority over the Default Path.
The DVNext can create file structure based on User ID and Test Name. The options provided for the Default Path
specify what format the data path should utilize. For example: set the Default Path to Operator -> Test Name. The
User is logged in as DAVID and the test to run is INK 5. The data path will be defaulted as shown in Figure 5-15.
M19-2101 REVISION 2.0
D V N E X T R H E O M E T E R - O P E R AT I O N A L M A N U A L


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