Appendix H - Automatic Oscillation Check - Ametek BROOKFIELD DVNext Operation Instructions Manual

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The Oscillation Check is a test of the performance of the lower bearing of the DVNext Rheometer. This lower bearing
is either Point and Jewel or Ball Bearing. Correct performance of the lower bearing is essential for proper operation
of the rheometer. A failed lower bearing will normally cause viscosity measurements to be lower than expected.
Selecting Oscillation Check in the Device Setup menu will present the user with a screen instructing to remove the
spindle (see Figure H-1).
Pressing the next key will perform an AutoZero (see Figure H-2).
When the autozero is complete pressing next will start the oscillation test.
The device will then perform a series of steps automatically. It is important that the DV Rheometer is not disturbed
during the performance of the oscillation check. The oscillation check should take approximately 3 minutes.
A successful Oscillation Check (see Figure H-3) will show a very smooth decrease of %Torque with a final value
within +/-0.3 of 0.0. Any value above 0.3 % or below -0.3% indicates that a calibration check should be performed
(see Appendix F).
The Oscillation Check is not a guarantee of proper calibration. It is only an indication of the performance of the lower
bearing of the rheometer. Calibration can only be verified through the use of a calibration standard such as AMETEK
Brookfield Silicone and Mineral Oil standards.
Figure H-1
Figure H-2
M19-2101 REVISION 2.0
D V N E X T R H E O M E T E R - O P E R AT I O N A L M A N U A L


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