End Condition Types - Ametek BROOKFIELD DVNext Operation Instructions Manual

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total number of points to be collected will be displayed if the End Condition is set to Time. If the End Condition is not
based on time, then it is possible that the step will conclude prior to a data point being collected. If you want a data
point at the conclusion of the step regardless of the time interval, you can check the check box in the Data Interval
Example 5:
End Condition is Time = 2 minutes, Multi Point Data Interval is 10 seconds. Averaging Duration is
5 seconds. Total points collected will be 12 with the last data point taken in the last second of the
step. Each data point will be an average of the data measured in the last 5 seconds of each Data
Example 6:
End Condition is set to Viscosity = 200 cP, Multi Point Data Interval is 10 seconds. Averaging
Duration is 5 seconds. During the test, the total time required to reach 200 cP is 63 seconds. Total
points collected will be 6 with the last data point taken at 60 seconds, 3 seconds before the test
is finished. Each data point will be an average of the data measured in the last 5 seconds of each
Data Interval.
Example 7:
End Condition is set to Viscosity = 200 cP, Multi Point Data Interval is 10 seconds. Averaging
Duration is 5 seconds. Check the check box to Also Collect Single Point at Step End. During the
test, the total time required to reach 200 cP is 65 seconds. Total points collected will be 7 with the
last data point taken at 65 seconds, an average of the 5 seconds after point #6.
Example 8:
End Condition is set to Viscosity = 200 cP, Multi Point Data Interval is 1 minute. Averaging Duration
is 20 seconds. Check the check box to Also Collect Single Point at Step End. During the test, the
total time required to reach 200 cP is 10 minutes 40 seconds. Total points collected will be 11 with
the last data point taken at 10 minutes 40 seconds, an average of the last 20 seconds of the step.
No data
End Condition is met and no data is collected.

3.11 End condition types

The DVNext comes available with a "type" parameter for some end conditions that allow the user to evaluate results
a variety of different ways. These "type" parameters are applicable to the viscosity, torque, and temperature end
conditions and are as follows: Equal to, Greater than, Less than, Stabilization, and Peak Exotherm (Temperature end
condition ONLY). These parameters can be selected from the "type" dropdown menu in the end condition screen
once the end condition selected is torque, viscosity, or temperature (see Figure 3-38).
Equal to
The test will complete or move onto the next step once the specified end condition parameter (viscosity, torque,
or temperature) measured by the device is equal to the value that is set by the user. The "Equal To" end condition
can also be set up to have a tolerance. If the value measured reaches within the tolerance set for the value set,
M19-2101 REVISION 2.0
Figure 3-38
D V N E X T R H E O M E T E R - O P E R AT I O N A L M A N U A L


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