Part I: Exporting Result Files - Ametek BROOKFIELD DVNext Operation Instructions Manual

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Part i: Exporting result files

Now your device should be all set to start exporting files to the FTP server. Let's test this by exporting result files to
the FTP server. Navigate to the Export Results screen on the device: Settings icon (top right corner of Main Menu)
(Figure I- 52).
Figure I- 52: DVNext device path to settings
Now go to >Admin Functions>Manage Data>Export Results (Figure I -53).
Figure I- 53: DVNext device path to Export
Here, you can choose the Export File Format which determines the file type of the result files you are exporting
(.csv, .pdf, or .xml). Export Path should the exact same as your FTP Path. Once everything is filled out correctly, press
Export Now (bottom right) (Figure I- 54).
M19-2101 REVISION 2.0
D V N E X T R H E O M E T E R - O P E R AT I O N A L M A N U A L


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