Configuration - Agilent Technologies 86038B User Manual

Photonic dispersion and loss analyzer
Table of Contents



The status of the internal thermal regulator is displayed in the
lower right of the display with a thermometer icon. State Red
indicates the regulator is out of regulation because the
environment is too hot or too cold. State Yellow indicates
internal temperature is waiting for a timed delay to reach GD
stability, or temperature change is large in the past 2.5 minutes.
State Green indicates stable temperature, ready for
normalization or measurement.
When the PDLA power is cycled, the internal thermal regulator
will automatically come on, choose an initial temperature set
point, and provide the state Yellow timed delay for 80 minutes
to reach state Green. (When calibrated measurements are
If the environment has a significant temperature change over
the past 2.5 minutes, state Yellow will be displayed. When the
environment becomes stable again, state Green will be displayed
without delay.
New Heater Set Point
If the environment changes more than ± 6 C, from the turn-on
state, the icon may turn Red indicating thermal regulation is no
longer possible. To reset the thermal regulator to the present
environment, right click on the thermometer icon and left click
on the prompt box. After resetting the thermal regulator, the
icon will show state Yellow for 40 to 80 minutes as the system
comes back to thermal equilibrium.
Hover the mouse cursor over the icon for a thermal
regulator status report.
Show Low Power Warnings
When enabled, the instrument will place warning messages in
the status log when the detected power from the DUT path is too
low. This is helpful for detecting problems, but can be
distracting for devices like filters that have very high
attenuation at some wavelengths. If low power warnings are
disabled, the system will continue to display warnings if the
Agilent 86038B Photonic Dispersion and Loss Analyzer, Second Edition


Table of Contents

Table of Contents