Agilent Technologies 86038B User Manual page 105

Photonic dispersion and loss analyzer
Table of Contents


Agilent 86038B Photonic Dispersion and Loss Analyzer, Second Edition
wide wavelength range or at short wavelengths like 1300nm, as
well as to reduce the influence of PDL on the DGD
measurements. The extra sweeps increase the measurement
time, but the extra sweeps also reduce noise so the IF
bandwidth can be reduced to make faster sweeps.
Generate Mueller Matrix and PMD Vector data
Selecting this option causes the Mueller Matrix and PMD Vector
data to be kept in memory, together with the parameters like
PDL and DGD that are derived from them. The matrix data are
then saved together with other data and settings by the "Save"
function and can be exported to a comma-separated variable
text file by the "Export" function. Selecting this option increases
the .oda file size.
External Power Meter
When Option #400 is installed, this field is enabled. Selecting
"Use External Power meter" causes Gain/Loss, PDL and Mueller
Matrix data to be based on measurements with the Power
Sensor modules instead of the standard Optical Receiver. This
provides enhanced IL and PDL accuracy specifications.
Indicating the correct expected "DUT Min Loss/Max Gain"
allows the instrument to determine the maximum expected
power to the power meter and to choose the optimum power
range for the measurements.
In swept mode testing of a very long fiber (that is, thousands of
km), there is a possibility of a slight wavelength offset caused by
the delay through the fiber, depending on the sweep speed
Tips on Measurement Modes:
• Swept mode is faster and the 86038B has been designed for
optimized swept performance. But stepped mode can be used
to achieve minimum noise by averaging many samples.
Stepped mode also allows measurement of the lowest DGD or
PMD values in long fibers sensitive to temperature drift, by
minimizing the time between polarization state


Table of Contents

Table of Contents