Error Monitoring And Protection - Galil Motion Control DMC-21 5 Series User Manual

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Error Monitoring and Protection

The amplifier is protected against Over-Current and Under-Voltage conditions. These conditions are reported as
amplifier errors via the
The user has the option to include the automatic subroutine
As long as the
label when an amplifier error is detected and begin executing the user defined routine.
is used to monitor amplifier errors. The command will return an eight bit bitmask representing specific error
conditions. It will also report whether an amplifier error is latched for the bank of axes A - D or the bank of axes E -
H. See the
command in the Command Reference for detailed information on bit status during error conditions.
Over-Current Protection
If there is a short circuit in the amplifier or motor, an Over-Current error will be reported and the amplifier will be
disabled. The amplifier should not encounter this error during normal operation. The Over-Current amplifier error
is a latching error, see the Clearing Latched Amplifier Errors section for details.
If this error occurs, it is indicative of a problem at the system level. An Over-Current error is usually
due to a short across the motor leads or a short from a motor lead to ground.
Under-Voltage Protection
If the voltage supplied to the amplifier drops below its rated supply voltage, an Under-Voltage error will be
reported and the amplifier will be disabled. The error cannot be cleared until the supply voltage raises above its
minimum rated supply voltage. The Under-Voltage amplifier error is a latching error, see the Clearing Latched
Amplifier Errors section for details.
Abort/ELO Input
If the Abort Input is asserted while the ELO jumper is installed, the power stage of the amplifier will be disabled
and the ELO amplifier error will be reported. This is a latching error, see the Clearing Latched Amplifier Errors
section for details.
Clearing Latched Amplifier Errors
While all axes are in a motor off state (MO) and there are no latched amplifier errors, all amplifier errors will be
reported in real-time by the
bank must be in a servo here state (SH).
To clear latched amplifier errors, issue the
amplifier error condition is still present. If an axis is moving, motion must be halted before attempting to clear
amplifier errors. See the
A5 – SDM-20645 ▫ 179
label is included in the program that is on the controller, the program will jump to the
command. For an amplifier error to latch for a bank of axes, at least one axis in that
command followed by AZ1. Use the
label and
command in the Command Reference for more information and
in their program to handle amplifier errors.
command to report if an
DMC-21x5 User Manual 1.0a1


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