Dynamic Brake - Panasonic MINAS A6B Series Reference Specifications

Ac servo driver for linear motor/dd motor (standard type/multi-function type)
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8-4 Dynamic brake

Servo driver (sizes A - G) has dynamic brake built in for emergency stop.
Size H servo driver does not have built-in dynamic brake.
Dynamic brake can be operated in the following cases
1. The main power off
2. The servo off
3. Protection action
4. Connector X4 driving ban importation (POT, NOT) action
On the above 1~4 cases, valid or invalid of dynamic brake can be determined by the parameters.
However, when the control power off, dynamic brake of size A-F keep valid condition and the dynamic brake of
size G , H is released.
The dynamic brake is provided only for the short-time usage in case of emergency stop. Therefore, note the
following points.
1. Do not start or stop operation by turning on/off the servo ON signal. Otherwise, the dynamic brake circuit
built in the servo driver may get damaged.
2. Do not drive the motor with external power.If the motor is driven from outside, it will work as a generator.
Therefore, short circuit current is applied during operation of the dynamic brake, which can cause smoking
or ignition. In addition, the dynamic brake may be disconnected, which can cause disabling the operation.
3. If the dynamic brake is operated during high-speed operation, provide stop time for approx. 10 minutes. If the
dynamic brake is used beyond that condition, the brake may be disconnected, which can cause disabling the
Size G and H servo driver can attach a dynamic brake circuit (electromagnetic contactor for driving and resistor) externally.
Size G servo driver should be externally attached when the built-in dynamic brake resistance capacity is insufficient.
Wiring according to the above notes "Wiring to power connector and terminal block", and wiring diagram
of Size G 200 V , Size H 200 V .
Industrial Device Solution Business Unit, Panasonic Corporation
No. SX-DSV03335 - 74-

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