General Conditions & Status; Section 1 - Optimizer - Primary Enable Conditions - Carrier OPN-OPT-OL Installation And Startup Manual

Chilled water system optimizer v2
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Appendix A: The Chilled Water System Optimizer — Status only view of the Properties page
General Conditions & Status
Point Name/Description
Optimizer Enable — Displays ENABLED or DISABLED status.
Outdoor Air Temperature— Allows this controller to use an outdoor temperature value from another controller over the
network. The remote controller must be equipped with a network-accessible sensor value.
Allows lockout if Lock at value: is checked. Allows communication if Enabled?: is checked.
Outdoor Air Humidity — Allows using another controller's relative humidity value over the network. The remote controller must
be equipped with a network-accessible value.
Allows lockout if Lock at value: is checked. Allows communication if Enabled?: is checked.
Outdoor Air Wet Bulb Temperature — Displays the calculated value based on the OA temperature and OA humidity values.
Total Chilled & Condenser Water System kW — Displays the current value of all the monitored energy loads.
Total Building Cooling Load Tons — Displays the current value of all the monitored chilled water system thermal load
Total Chilled & Condenser Water System kW/ton — Displays the current value of all the monitored energy loads as a
function of the operating thermal load of the plant.

Section 1 - Optimizer - Primary Enable Conditions

Point Name/Description
Chilled Water System Optimizer Allowed to Run under the Following "Primary Enable Conditions"
1. Is the Main ON Switch Enabled? — Displays the status of the master switch that enables the entire optimization program.
2. AND is the Plant is ON via the "Plant ON" binary network input? — This input runs the optimization program only when the
plant is appropriately enabled and running.
AND is at least one chiller running? - Displays YES or NO status.
Chiller(s) running - Number of running chillers
3. AND is it Scheduled? — Link to a BACnet Binary Value that indicates the chiller manager (or chiller, if single chiller only) is
running. Displays YES or NO status.
Chilled Water System Optimizer v2
Installation and Start-up Guide
Control Program
Control Program
Optimizer - Primary Enable Conditions
General Conditions & Status
General Conditions & Status
Section 1 -
All rights reserved


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