Installation; General Installation Requirements; Anchoring The Equipment To The Floor - Ingeteam Ingecon Sun Smart U Installation And Operation Manual

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5.1 General installation requirements

5.2 Anchoring the equipment to the floor

Page 40
Before installing the INGECON SUN SMART U , the packaging should
be removed, taking particular care not to damage the housing.
The packaging interior should be checked for dampness. Should there be
any signs of moisture, then the equipment should not be used until it has
been shown to be completely dry.
All installation operations must observe the rules and regulations
in force.
General rules:
The Ingecon
Sun inverter should only be installed by qualified
personnel, observing the general safety conditions set out in this
manual. The inverter operates with high voltages and currents that
can be hazardous.
Should any water condensation or high humidity inside the equipment
be detected, it is essential that the equipment be dried before any
electrical connection is made.
Ventilation and work space must be adequate for maintenance tasks, in
compliance with the rules and regulations in force.
The exterior connection devices must be adequate and sufficiently close,
as established in the rules and regulations in force.
The lead-in cable section must be adequate for the maximum current.
Particular care shall be taken to ensure that there are no obstacles blocking
the equipment air inlets and outlets and preventing adequate ventilation.
INGECON-SUN SMART U can be equipped with an optional docking
The system consists of 4 plates bolted to the four corners of the inverter's
base to secure the inverter to the concrete pad.
Installation and Operation Manual
Date: February 2011
Rev. _


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