Application Assurance; Table 41: Application Assurance (Description) - Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Reference Manual

Service router radius attributes
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Application Assurance

Table 41: Application Assurance (description)

Attribute ID
Attribute Name
7750 SR RADIUS Attributes Reference Guide
Mandatory ipv4 address attribute to create (CoA), delete (Delete) or audit
(CoA) an ipv4 AA-transit subscriber. In case of a ipv4 host creation (CoA), if
the host is already configured for another AA-transit subscriber with the same
parent SAP, it will be removed for this AA-subscriber and added to AA-
subscriber, referred by the [26-6527-11] Alc-Subsc-ID-Str, in the CoA
message. If the parent SAP, referred by the [87] NAS-Port-Id), is different, the
host creation will fail. An AA-transit subscriber can have up to 32 hosts (ipv4
or ipv6). A host cannot be added to a AA-transit subscriber if it is already
configured for a static AA-transit subscriber with a different subscriber-ID. A
Disconnect message sent with the last host of an AA-transit subscriber will
delete the AA-transit subscriber.
A text string identifying the physical SAP or SDP serving the AA-transit
subscriber (parent SAP or SDP). Mandatory attribute to create (CoA), delete
(Disconnect) or audit (CoA) a transit-AA subscriber.
The ipv6 address for AA-Transit subscriber creation/removal (same use as [8]
A mandatory attribute used in Access-Accept for AA subscriber creation (as
in ESM host creation) or application-profile change (CoA) and for AA-transit
subscriber creation (CoA), removal (Disconnect) or audit (CoA). Attribute
values longer than the allowed string value are treated as setup failures.
Application Assurance for residential, business or transit-AA subscribers is
enabled through the assignment of an application profile as part of either
enhanced subscriber management or static configuration. [26-6527-45] Alc-
App-Prof-is is a string that maps (configure subscriber-mgmt sub-ident-
policy <sub-ident-policy-name> app-profile-map) to such an application
profile (configure application-assurance group <aa-group-id:partition-id>
policy app-profile <app-profile-name>). This attribute is used in access-
accept (to assign an application profile during esm host creation) and CoA (to
change the application profile of a AA-subscriber or to create transit AA-
subscriber). Strings longer than the allowed maximum are treated as setup
failures. Unreferenced strings (strings not mapping to an application profile)
will silently trigger a fallback to pre-configured default values if allowed. If
no default value is pre-configured, the subscriber's application profile is
silently disabled for esm AA-subscriber; in case of a transit AA-subscriber
creation the CoA will be rejected. The change of an application profile to one
configured under a different group/partition or the modification of the
application profile of a static AA-subscriber is not allowed and will be treated
as setup failures.
RADIUS Attributes Reference
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