Imerge AX-Platform Service Manual page 56

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Any physical damage or unusual attributes such as browning of cables.
Motherboard check
The motherboard is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, ensure that you are properly earthed before
attempting to remove the board. Handle the motherboard carefully, holding it by the edges and do
not flex or stress. Keep it in static proof packing while out of the unit.
Standard SVGA monitor
Digital Multimeter
USB Keyboard
This procedure will walk you through the preliminary checks to confirm whether the unit will begin to
start with the motherboard. For complete confidence in the motherboard you must put the unit
through a full test sequence as described in the 'Testing' section of the service manual.
Disconnect the power cord from the unit.
Perform a visual inspection to determine whether all the connectors are fitted properly, the
memory stick and modem are seated and that there is no visible damage. If an audio expan-
sion board is used as part of the product then see the 'Expansion Board Check' section. The
motherboard should be secured to the chassis at least on all four corners to avoid shorting and
the connectors screwed to the rear panel.
Ensure that a standard SVGA monitor and TV are turned on, tuned in (AV1/AV2 etc on the TV)
and properly connected to the unit.
On applying power to the unit you should see the XiVA splash screen logo on both the TV and
monitor within a few seconds. The temperature controlled fan should begin to spin for about 2-
3 seconds.
If nothing is being displayed on either the TV or monitor then check the following:-
Ensure the motherboard is being correctly powered. See the 'Power Check' section of
this guide.
Test both the TV and monitor on a known working unit to confirm their operation.
The modem or expansion board (if applicable) could cause a short on the motherboard. Try
removing them to see if it starts. If the unit does start then put them back in one at a time to
determine which one is at fault.
The motherboard provides power to the CDROM drive, Front panel display board and the hard
disk(s). Using a multimeter, check that the voltages from the connector marked as PL12
providing power to the hard disk(s) and CDROM drive match the quoted figures below.
Black (x2):
Red (x2):


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