Controlling The Mask Size(Aspect Ratio On); Controlling The Mask Size And Position (Objects Not Centred, Aspect Ratio Off); Controlling The Mask Position; Controlling The Cursor Object - evertz 9590 Instruction Manual

Graticule generator, high definition graticule generator
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Advertisement Controlling the Mask Size(Aspect Ratio On)

Auto Aspect ratio
When auto aspect ratio mode is On, the shaft encoders are used to adjust the overall size of the mask
proportionately about the centre of the raster based upon the aspect ratio selected. The left knob adjusts
the top right corner of the mask and the right knob adjusts the bottom right corner of the mask. Controlling the Mask Size and Position (Objects not centred, Aspect Ratio Off)

Setup menu
Auto Aspect ratio
When Force Centre is Off and, and auto aspect ratio mode is Off the left shaft encoder is used to adjust
the bottom side of the mask, and the right shaft encoder is used to adjust the right side of the mask.

4.5.4. Controlling the Mask Position

Press the POS button while the mask button is blinking to control the position of the mask. When auto
aspect ratio mode is Off and the Setup menu Force Centre item is set to no the left shaft encoder is used
to adjust the vertical position of the mask, i.e. move the mask up or down, and the right shaft encoder is
used to adjust the horizontal position of the mask, i.e. move the mask left or right. The remote panel
display will show the mask position while the POS button is brightly illuminated. The position adjust
function will be deselected after 3 minutes of panel activity, or when the another button is pressed.
If one of the auto aspect ratios is selected or the Setup menu Force Centre item is set to yes, then the
position of the mask is fixed to the centre of the clean aperture. The display will show Mask centred.


The cursor object consists of a horizontal and vertical line that intersect at their mid points.

4.6.1. Turning the Cursor Object On and Off

To turn on the cursor object press the CURSOR
the obj blink item on the Setup menu is enabled), and the cursor object will be turned on. The
button will blink indicating that the cursor object is selected. To turn off the cursor object,
press the CURSOR

4.6.2. Centring the Cursor on the Raster

When auto aspect ratio mode is On the cursor object will always be centred on the raster. When auto
aspect ratio mode is Off the SETUP menu item force centre controls whether the cursor will be centred or
not (see section 4.2.9 for more information about auto aspect ratio mode). When the force centre item is
Off it is possible to independently position and size the cursor, using the SIZE and POS buttons and
turning one of the shaft encoders as outlined in the following sections.
Models 9590 & HD9590 Graticule Generator Manual
Force centre
button when it is blinking.
button. The cursor object will blink momentarily (if
Page 4-15


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This manual is also suitable for:

Hd 9590

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