Checking Initial Setting Of The Decanter Oil Nozzles; Oil Extraction; Stopping The Machine - CAMPAGNOLA BuonOlio TOP Use And Maintenance Manual

Olive oil processing plants
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4.2.2 Checking initial setting of the DECANTER oil nozzles

During initial milling, the DECANTER (14) is set for the first time in the following manner:
Open the rear door (6) that provides access to the DECANTER (14) and take off the cover (41) to the right of the guard. The
DECANTER has two series of holes (13) numbered from "1 to 8" that are plugged with screws (levels). Observe the paste
during milling and change the position of the screws (13) in the numbered holes of the DECANTER with the wrench provided after
making evaluations based on the following parameters:
• if the paste is very thin open (removing screws) the two holes (levels) marked with number 2;
• if the paste is not particularly thin open (removing screws) the two holes marked with number 4;
• if the paste is dry with oil lying on the surface open (removing screws) the two holes marked with number 7;
• close the DECANTER cover (41) and access door.
b ) Repeat the steps in the order given in paragraph 4.2.1 up to step "d" included.

4.2.3 Oil extraction

The adjustment knob (7) allows the amount of paste sent to the DECANTER (14) to be varied and should be used only when
the OIL (34) and SANSA DISCHARGE (33) switches are turned to the on position.
Operate and after 2–3 minutes turn on switches SANSA DISCHARGE (33) and OIL (34). Bring the variator (7) to about half speed,
setting it to "4". After approximately 15 minutes, oil should start flowing out.
If the oil gushes out, shut off the OIL switch (34) immediately, wait 5 minutes and then restart idling the variator (7) (clockwise
If the oil still gushes out after a few minutes it will be dirty and the levels (13) have to be changed.
If oil does not flow out within the time given above, open the water cock (10, located at the back of the machine and set the flow
meter (24) bringing the hand to no. 2–3.
Once oil flows out, set the variator (7) on the rev. counter (nearly maximum) to "7".
If oil constantly flows out for 10 minutes it means it has been correctly set. On the other hand, if the flow decreases , set the flow
meter to no. 5.
If the oil continues to drop, change the level by closing the two holes previously opened and opening them with a higher number
(e.g. hole no. 5 instead of no. 4).

4.2.4 Stopping the machine

Follow the steps below to stop the machine:
Turn off the OIL switch (34).
b ) Wait approximately five minutes.
Set the flow meter (24) to the maximum value.
d) Turn off the CRUSHER switch (31) only when just water flows out.
e) Turn of the OIL MILL (30) – OLIVE (32) – SANSA DISCHARGE (33) switches.
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