General Safety Information; Safety Recommendations; Safety Precautions - ergoline Genesis Classic 650 Owner's Manual

Tanning bed
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General Safety Information

1. The Sun Ergoline tanning unit must have been
assembled and installed properly by trained and
experienced personnel.
2. Compliance with all the warning and safety
labels attached to the tanning unit required.
3. No safety device or safety notice may be
removed or disabled, as doing so could impair
the reliable functioning of the tanning unit.
4. The tanning unit must only be operated under
the guidelines in this manual.
5. The tanning unit must only be operated when in
full working order.
6. Carefully read all instruction included in this
Sun Ergoline Operation and Instruction Manual.
7. Do not use tanning unit if the timer is inopera-
tive or defective or if the VIT filter glass is
cracked, broken or not in place in your unit.
8. Special care should be exercised if the user is
particularly sensitive to UV light and if certain
medications or cosmetics have been used. If
there is any doubt by the salon operator or
tanning bed customer, the user should consult
with a physician.
9. Cosmetics should be removed prior to each
tanning session.
10. Use only lotions, creams and oils specifically
designed and formulated for indoor use.
1. The installation, electrical connection and the
repair of the tanning unit must be performed by a
factory trained or approved technician or
appropriately qualified personnel.
2. The electrical installation must comply with all
national and local electrical codes.
3. The tanning unit must be operated as specified
in this instruction manual.

Safety Recommendations

11. Wear protective eyewear anytime the tanning
unit is energized.
12. Do not tan more than once per 24 hour period.
13. Follow the recommendations on tanning
times, intervals between tanning sessions and
the distance from the lamps. Refer to the "Expo-
sure Times and Frequencies" section of this
manual for specific details.
14. The tanning unit may not be used by individu-
als who, when exposed to the sun, develope a
sunburn without subsequently tanning.
15. Over exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun
or from the tanning unit may cause damage to
the skin or eyes. These biological effects will
vary due to the individuals specific skin type.
16. Excessive exposure from the tanning unit can
lead to sunburn, premature aging and a risk of
skin injury.
17. The tanning unit should be utilized by only
one person at a time.
18. While there is no immediate clinical evidence
of the effects of UVA exposure to expectant
mothers, it is strongly advised that expectant
mothers be discouraged from using the tanning
19. Persons using the tanning unit could experi-
ence a reddening of the skin or heat rash. This
rash is often caused by the heat of the tanning
system and should go away within 24 hours and
should not reappear.

Safety Precautions

4. The tanning unit may only be operated under
the timer control for a maximum of 15 minutes.
The display on the timer should be set to the
recommended time for your specific skin type
based on the number of exposures. Increasing
the timer settings or disabling the timer could
result in injury.

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