Configuring Goose Inputs - ABB SPA-ZC 400 Installation And Commissioning Manual

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Ethernet Adapter
SPA to IEC 61850 Gateway
Installation and Commissioning Manual
Data-related multicast address.
Received multicast addresses are stored to check the GOOSE message and
they can be used as a hardware-specific Ethernet message filter. Multicast
address is used as an IED-specific unique identifier.
Data-related APPID.
Stored to check the received GOOSE message. The APPID is
recommended to be unique for each sending IED GoCB and its dataset.
Ordinal of the data in a received dataset
Target IEC 61850 path where to write the received data.
Expected confRev in the received dataset
Default input value if data is not received or its quality is bad.

Configuring GOOSE inputs

GOOSE inputs are edited with GSEInput tool, the Inputs Editor.
To configure inputs:
1. Create a GSEInput object under LD0.LLN0 by right-clicking the LLN0
2. Select New > GOOSE > GSEInput.
Empty inputs are not allowed to be exported to an IED.
3. To attach inputs to a selected IED, drag-and-drop a sending GoCB from
another IED directly to Inputs Editor or select GoCBs in Signal Mapping
tool. Refer to Section GOOSE RX-specific features.
Signal Mapping tool shows IEDs and GoCBs in a matrix where the rows
represent all possible GoCBs and the columns, IEDs in the currently open
To receive specific data to a specific IED, select the GoCB check box
under the wanted IED. Selecting the check box opens the Inputs Editor for
the GoCB.
4. Attach destination data object and its attribute with drag-and-drop selected
CIGGIO data object to DATargetPath field, for example, LD0.LNN0.
CIGGIO31.Ind1.stVal in the case when receiving data is status data.
Check also the default input value.
5. Click the Apply button to make the configuration changes valid or the
Cancel button to discard the changes.
6. In Inputs Editor, select which attributes are needed in the receiving IED
from the selected GoCB.
SPA-ZC 400


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