Digital Baseband Input ("Bb Input"Block); Additional White Gaussian Noise ("Awgn" Block); I/Q Stream Mapper" Block; I/Q Modulator ("I/Q Mod" Block) - R&S SMM100A Getting Started

Vector signal generator
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Digital Baseband Input ("BB Input"Block)

The "BB Input" block is the access point to the settings of the digital interfaces.
The R&S SMM100A is able to receive and process digital baseband signals. The
digital baseband input can be used together with other Rohde & Schwarz instru-
ments, like signal generators. Note, however, that the internal and the external
digital signals cannot be used simultaneously. The two blocks "Baseband" and
"BB Input" deactivate each other.
The "BB Input" block is the access point to the settings of:
● The external digital I/Q signals
The external digital I/Q signals are further processed in the baseband section
● The baseband offsets function
The external and internal baseband signals can be shifted in frequency and
phase, or boosted in power.
Additional White Gaussian Noise ("AWGN"
The "AWGN" block is displayed only in instruments equipped with the option
R&S SMM-K62. This block controls the additional white Gaussian noise generator
(AWGN). An additive white noise is required for measurements of mobile radio
base stations.

"I/Q Stream Mapper" Block

As one of the access points to the system configuration settings, the "I/Q Stream
Mapper" provides direct access for mapping the generated I/Q streams to the
available output connectors. That is, to the analog RF and I/Q output connectors.

I/Q Modulator ("I/Q Mod" Block)

The "I/Q Mod" block represent the I/Q modulator.
Getting Started 1179.1335.02 ─ 02
System Overview
I/Q Modulator ("I/Q Mod" Block)


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