Profile Settings Panel - 3D Histech Pannoramic MIDI II 2.0.5 User Manual

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Pannoramic MIDI II 2.0.5 User's Guide

5.1.1 Profile Settings Panel

Objective settings
This field displays the objective used for scanning. Objective type: 20x; 40x
Focus settings for the scan profile
Limits of the range: You can define focus limits by selecting Limits of the range for focusing.
You can set the upper and lower limits by selecting the desired value in the selection boxes.
This is useful if focusing was not targeted on the specimen, but on a spot on the coverslip.
Focus distance: the distance of focal points can be set to create a focus map, based on which
the software calculates interpolated focus values (one step in distance means one FOV).
Sample detection
This panel offers options for threshold setting and selection of the area to be scanned.
Source: Brightfield preview – a normal type of illumination in the microscope for scanning
the slide. This option is recommended when scanning in Brightfield mode.
December 7, 2018 – Rev. 1
Figure 20 – Focus settings for scan profile
5.1.1 Profile Settings Panel


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