Displaying The Current Connection States Of The Outputs; Listing The Mute/Unmute States Of All Outputs; Muting A Specified Output; Unmuting A Specified Output - Lightware MX-FR Series User Manual

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7. Programmer's Reference
7.3.7. Displaying the Current Connection States of the Outputs
Description: Viewing all outputs' connection results in different response length, because it depends on the
frame size. The response below supposes a router having 17 outputs.

The MX-CPU2 responds the connection of Preview Output port as well. The earlier 16x16 or 32x32
frames responded 16 and 32 outputs but with MX-CPU2 the response will be 17 and 33 correspondingly.
Command {VC}
Response (ALL●<O1>●<O2>●<O3>●<O4>●<O5>●
<O6>●<O7> ●<O8>●<O9>●<O10>●
<O16> ●<O17>)CrLf
Legend 1: All <Ox> indexes show the corresponding output's connection state. If value <O5> equals 04 it
means that output 5 is connected to input 4. All <Ox> indexes are two digit ASCII characters (01, 02, 04, etc.).
Explanation 1: Viewing connection for all outputs. Input 2 is connected to outputs 1, 2 and 3. Input 5 is
connected to outputs 4, 5 and 6. Input 8 is connected to outputs 7 through 17.

If an output is locked, muted, or both locked and muted, the response format changes. If outputs
are muted you get a letter 'M', if locked a letter 'L' and if muted and locked at the same time 'U' before the
2 digit numbers.
Command {VC}
Response (ALL●<O1>●<O2>●<O3>●
<O8>●<O9>●<O10> ●<O11>●
<O12>●<O13> ●<O14>●
<O15>●<O16> ●<O17>)CrLf
Legend 2: Any <Ox> indexes can be a two digit number, or there can be a leading character showing the mute
and/or lock state for the corresponding output.
<Ox> is connected to <in²>, <Ox> neither muted nor locked.
M<in²> <Ox> is connected to <in²>, <Ox> is muted, and unlocked.
<Ox> is connected to <in²>, <Ox> is not muted, but locked.
<Ox> is connected to <in²>, <Ox> is muted and locked.
Explanation 2: Viewing connection for all outputs. Input 2 is connected to outputs 1, 2 and 3. Output 1 is
muted. Output 2 is locked. Output 3 is muted and locked. Input 5 is connected to outputs 4, 5 and 6. Input 8
is connected to outputs 7 through 16.
MX-FR Series Modular Matrix Frames – User's Manual
Example 1 (MX-FR17)
→ {vc}
← (ALL 02 02 02 05 05 05 08 08 08 08 08 08 08
08 08 08 08)CrLf
Example 2 (MX-FR17)
→ {vc}
← (ALL M02 L02 U02 05 05 05 08 08 08
08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08)CrLf
7.3.8. Listing the Mute/Unmute States of All Outputs

The response length depends on the frame size.
Command {VM}
Response (MUT●<M1>●<M2>●<M3>●<M4>●
Legend: All <Mx> indexes are one digit numbers, showing the mute state for the corresponding output. If
<Mx> equals 0 the output x is unmuted. If <Mx> equals 1, the output x is muted.
Explanation: Output 1, 3 and 4 are muted, the other outputs are not muted.
7.3.9. Muting a Specified Output
Description: Mute output <out>. The output signal is turned off.
Command {#<out>}
Response (1MT<out²>)CrLf
Explanation: Output 3 is muted. No signal is present on output 3 now.

Muting does not change the crosspoint's state but disables the output itself. This way the last
connection can be easily restored with an unmute command.

Switching a muted output does not unmute the output.
7.3.10. Unmuting a Specified Output
Description: Unmute output <out>.
Command {+<out>}
Response (0MT<out²>)CrLf
Explanation: Output 3 is unmuted. Now output 3 is switched to the input it was connected to prior to the
mute command.

Unmuting an output makes the previous connection active as the crosspoint's state has not
been changed with the muting command, only the output was disabled.
Example (MX-FR17)
→ {vm}
← (MUT 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)CrLf
→ {#03}
← (1MT03)CrLf
→ {+03}
← (0MT03)CrLf


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