Swann AMU-II Oxytrace Operator's Manual page 59

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AMU-II Oxytrace
Program List and Explanations
As control
A-96.150.541 / 111223
Scaling: Enter beginning and end point (Range low & high) of the
linear or logarithmic scale. In addition, the midpoint for the bilinear
Parameter: Oxygen
Range low: 0.00 ppb –20.00 ppm
Range high: 0.00 ppb –20.00 ppm
Parameter: Temperature
Range low: -30 to + 130 °C
Range high: -30 to + 130 °C
Parameter: Sample flow
Range low: 0 –50 l/h
Range high: 0–50 l/h
Parameter: Saturation
Range low: 0 –200%
Range high: 0–200%
Signal outputs can be used for driving control units. We distinguish
different kinds of controls:
 P-controller: The controller action is proportional to the devia-
tion from the setpoint. The controller is characterized by the P-
Band. In the steady-state, the setpoint will never be reached.
The deviation is called steady-state error.
Parameters: setpoint, P-Band
 PI-controller: The combination of a P-controller with an
I-controller will minimize the steady-state error. If the reset time
is set to zero, the I-controller is switched off.
Parameters: setpoint, P-Band, reset time.
 PD-controller: The combination of a P-controller with a
D-controller will minimize the response time to a fast change of
the process value. If the derivative time is set to zero, the D-
controller is switched off.
Parameters: setpoint, P-Band, derivative time.
 PID-controller: The combination of a P-, an I - and a D-control-
ler allows a proper control of the process.
Parameters: setpoint, P-Band, reset time, derivative time.


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