Alias Volume List; Free Volume List; Edit Mainframe System Functions Wizard; Edit Mainframe System Functions Window - HPE XP7 User Manual

Compatible parallel access volumes
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Alias Volume List

The Alias Volume List displays the alias devices assigned to the selected base devices. To view all alias
devices for the selected CU image, you must select all of the base devices. When you cancel aliases for
base devices, you select the alias devices from this list. The following table describes the items in the
Alias Volume List.
Alias Volume
Current Base
Initial Base
Select All button Selects all volumes in the Alias Volume List.

Free Volume List

The Free Volume List displays the LDEV IDs of unused volumes in the selected CU. Any free volume
can be used as a Parallel Access Volumes alias device. Use this list to select aliases to assign to base
volumes. The following table describes the items in the Free Volume List.
Free Volume
Select All
More information
Assigning alias volumes to base volumes on page 40
Deleting alias volumes from base volumes on page 42
Assigning alias volumes to different base volumes on page 44
Calculating Parallel Access Volumes used capacity on page 45

Edit Mainframe System Functions wizard

Use this wizard to edit the mainframe system functions.

Edit Mainframe System Functions window

Use this window to enable and disable the mainframe system functions, including the Soft Fence, SPID
Fence, Query Host Access option.
Displays the LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the alias volume.
Displays the LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the base volume currently assigned to
the alias volume in the disk storage system.
Displays the LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the base volume set by the user for
the alias volume.
Displays the number of selected alias devices and the total number of alias devices in
the selected CU image. For example, 2/4 indicates that two aliases are selected out of
a total of four alias devices in the selected CU image.
Displays the complete list of volumes available for assignment.
Displays the number of selected free devices and the total number of free devices in
the selected CU image. For example, 8/47 indicates that eight free devices are
selected out of a total of 47 free devices in the selected CU image.
Selects all volumes in the Free Volume List.
Alias Volume List


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