Emerson EZMotion User Manual page 25

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Figure 10:
New will open a new PowerTools Pro file. The user will be asked what type of configuration to create (Epsilon EP, FM-2, FM-3,
FM-4, MDS or SM-EZMotion). For all modules used with the Unidrive SP, select SM-EZMotion/ Unidrive SPSetup. Select SM-
EZMotion/Digitax ST-B Setup for a Digitax ST-B drive with a SM-EZMotion module installed. For all modules used with the
Digitax ST-Z drive, select SM-EZMotion/Digitax ST-Z Setup.
Open allows the user to open an existing application created with PowerTools Pro. Navigate to the directory that the desired
file is located in, and double-click on the specific file. Doing so will open the file for editing.
Close will close the active configuration. If multiple files are open, the active file's Title Bar will be highlighted.
Selecting Save will save the active file on the users PC. The location to which the file is saved is based on where the file was
previously saved. If the file has not yet been saved, the Save As dialog box will open instead.
Save As...
Save As allows the user to save the active file using a different name or to save an existing file to a different directory location.
Navigate to the directory to which the file is to be saved, and click Save.
Import allows the user to import an existing FM-3 file into an FM-4 configuration, or an FM-4 file into an EP-P configuration, or
an existing FM-3/4 or EP-P file into an SM-EZMotion/Digitax ST configuration. To import the file, open a new file and select the
configuration type that you wish to convert to. Once the new file (of the desired configuration type) is open, select Import, and
find the file that is to be converted. Select the file to be converted, and then click Open. The existing file will then be converted
into the new file type. The new file must then be saved with the new file name and extension. Some parameters maybe
available in one configuration type and not another, these parameters will not be converted during the import if they are not
supported by the new configuration type.
Convert allows the user to convert an existing file to the latest PowerTools Pro version. When using the File > Open feature,
PowerTools Pro will open the existing file at the same interface revision at which it was created. This means that not all of the
latest features currently supported by PowerTools Pro may be available within the application file. If, after opening an existing
file, a user wishes to upgrade the file to the latest interface revision so that all the latest features are available, it can be done
by selecting Convert.
Upgrading to the latest revision could possibly change some of the operation of the module, so it is highly recommended to
save the file prior to upgrading it, in the event that one needs to revert to the original file. Once the file is upgraded, the user
can then save the new file with a different name, and then download that file if they so choose.
When opening a new file, Convert will be unavailable because a new file is always created at the latest interface revision.
Print will send the active file to the printer specified by the user. The Print Options dialog box will open allowing the user to
specify which sections of the configuration are to be printed. By default, all sections will be printed. To remove a given section
from the printout, clear the specific check box.
EZMotion User/Programming Guide
Revision A8
File Menu


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