Taking Screenshot; Analyzer Firmware Updating; Regular Firmware Updating Procedure - Planar IT-100 Operating Manual

Multisystem tv analyzer
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When operating in the automatic IP address assignment mode, in the items "IP
address", "Subnet mask" and "Default gateway" the values are displayed assigned by
the DHCP server, or one of the following messages:
1) No link detected.
2) Not assigned yet.
The similar behavior is used for the item "DNS server address".
To apply the settings without exiting the operation mode, press the «F2 / Note»
button. To apply the settings with exit into the main menu, press the «F1 / Save» button.
To exit to the main menu and cancel the changes, press the «F6 / Cancel» button.

4.11. Taking screenshot

To save the current screenshot to file, press the Shift and 8 /
simultaneously. A message indicating the file name and the drive to which the file was
saved will be shown on the screen. If an external flash drive is connected to the USB port,
the file will be saved to it. Otherwise, the file will be saved in the internal Analyzer memory.
The screenshot is saved in the PNG format with assignment of an ordinal number in the
file name and located in the IT100MEM\SNAPSHOT section of the drive root directory.
Previously saved screenshot can be viewed it the File Manager (section 4.9) when
«Screen snapshot» file type is selected.

4.12. Analyzer Firmware Updating

The IT-100 Analyzer allows updating its firmware without the use of any additional
equipment. We continue development of the Analyzer and keep on working out new
firmware and software versions that provide new features. These new versions come
available for free download on our website
The firmware version includes updating the central processing unit (CPU) program
and the auxiliary processing unit (APU) program. Each version has its unique identification
number in the X.X.X.X format (for example, File with the firmware build for
downloading has the it100_build_YYYYYY.bs2 format, which includes the device type and
the build identification number (YYYYYY). The CPU and APU versions can be viewed in
the identification data readout mode (section 4.10.4).

4.12.1. Regular Firmware Updating Procedure

To enter the firmware updating mode from the identification data readout mode
(section 4.10.4), press the «F6 / Update» key.
The mode displays the table of firmware files search sources:
1) Manufacturer server.
2) USB flash drive.
3) Internal memory.
The network cable is not connected to the ETHERNET
port of the device;
The corresponding parameter is not yet defined;
Firmware updating files are searched on the
Analyzer manufacturer's server, in case the Analyzer
has access to the Internet.
Firmware updating files are searched in the root
partition of the USB flash drive, connected to the
Firmware updating files are searched in the root
partition of the Analyzer internal memory. The
firmware updating files can be copied to the internal
memory when the Analyzer is connected to a PC via
in the section that describes


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