Transport Stream General Information Window - Planar IT-100 Operating Manual

Multisystem tv analyzer
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Access to the mode is performed by pressing the «F3 / Mode» button and selecting
«MPEG Analyzer» in the drop-down menu from the following modes:
1) Channel mode, for the terrestrial and cable TV channels (section 4.3.3);
2) Channel mode, for the satellite TV transponders (section 4.4.3);
3) MER/BER mode, for the satellite TV transponders (section 4.4.4);
4) IPTV mode, for the IPTV stream (section 4.5.2);
5) File Manager for the TS files (section 4.9).
Before performing TS analysis it is necessary to learn the general features, and also
the recommendations on the analysis procedure (section 4.6.4).

4.6.2. Transport stream general information window

The TS general information window allows you to get a general idea about the
structure of the stream, found errors, and to manage the analysis process (figure 4.49).
The window contains the following information:
1) Analysis time. The duration of the TS analysis;
2) Network name. The name of the broadcast network that is transmitted in the NIT
3) Bitrate. Average TS bitrate in Mbit/s;
4) ES. Summary bitrate of elementary streams (video, audio and data)
percentage of the TS bitrate;
5) PSI/SI. Summary bitrate of service information tables (PAT, PMT, NIT, etc.) as a
percentage of the TS bitrate;
6) Null. Staffing bitrate (PID=0x1FFF) as a percentage of the TS bitrate;
7) Packets count. The number of TS packets received during the analysis;
8) PIDs count. The PIDs number in the TS;
9) Services count. The number of programs in the TS;
10) TR 101 290 errors count. The number of analysis errors of ETSI TR 101 290
priority 1, 2 and 3 that were found during the analysis;
11) Last event. Information about the latest event in the events logger (section 4.6.5)
and the total number of events in the events logger.
The analysis is set up by using the "F1 / Settings" button context menu. There are
the following settings:
1) Duration. The necessary analysis duration: 5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 6 h,
12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h;
2) Profile. Select profile analysis settings: Cable, Terrestrial, Satellite, IPTV
(SPTS), Custom. The analysis settings profile is a set of settings (the ETSI TR
101 290 parameters checklist, PSI/SI tables and elementary streams intervals
limits, etc.) which are used for TS analysis. The profile is selected automatically
by the Analyzer in accordance with the TS source;
Figure 4.49
as a


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