Transport Stream Programs List - Planar IT-100 Operating Manual

Multisystem tv analyzer
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of the checking parameter. In case at least one error is registered, the counter is displayed
with the red background. If checking of the parameter is switched off, the «---» is indicated
instead of errors counter.
The cursor is moved by using the «◄», «►», « » and « » buttons. Press the
«ENTER» or «F1 / Details» button to see detailed information about the parameter in the
cursor position. The detailed information of registered errors will appear on the screen in a
form of a tree (figure 4.55).
The tree consists of errors counters for all the checking parameters grouped
according to their priorities. Some checking parameters (for example «1.3a PAT error 2»)
are divided into sub-parameters according to TR 101 290. Errors are counted for each
transport stream object (PID, PSI/SI table) separately, and indicated on the screen with the
object identification information (PID, SID, service name).
Root nodes that contain a structured set of data are indicated with the « » (node
expanded) or «►» icon (node collapsed). If checking parameter or group of parameters
contains one or more errors, the corresponding node is indicated with the
node name is displayed in red color.
The cursor moves by using the « » and « » buttons. When pressed together with
the «Shift» button, the cursor moves on several nodes. When pressing the «►» button on
the root node, it expands. When pressing it again, the cursor moves to the first child node
of the root node. Press the «◄» button to move the cursor to the nearest root node. When
pressing the «◄» button again the selected root node is collapsed. When pressing the
«◄» button together with the «Shift» button, all root nodes of the branch in the cursor
position are collapsed, up to the main root node. Press the «F5 / Fold all» button to
collapse all the tree nodes. Press the «F1 / ◄Error» or «F6 / Error►» button to navigate
cursor among the nodes, which contain errors.
There is a tree route map at the top of the window, which shows the names of the
nodes, separated by the «/» symbol. These nodes are the successive root nodes for the
node in the cursor position.
When setting the cursor on one of objects containing errors, the following actions are
1) Pressing «F2 / Service» button to switch to the programs list with cursor on the
corresponding service (section 4.6.7);
2) Pressing «F3 / PID» button to switch to the PIDs list with cursor on the
corresponding PID (section 4.6.9).

4.6.7. Transport stream programs list

The transport stream programs list is represented as a table with the information
about the programs, as shown in the figure 4.56.
Figure 4.55
icon, and the


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