Sin1 - Bksw - Brake Switch Input; Sin3 - Hr Input; So1 - Inspection Relay Output/Correction Run Output; So2 - Hr Output - ECD 100-181 Manual

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I N P U T S – O U T P U T S
Safety circuit input SAF must be on for normal operation. SAF input is supplied from the end of the safety circuit
(normally terminal 16 - See page 2 of ECD circuit diagrams). If this input is lost then the SAF LED shall be off and
the LCD lift status shall show SAF.
SAF - Ram address R:45

Sin1 - BKSW - Brake Switch Input

For brake switch monitoring.
Brake lift is monitored via brake switches on the hoist machine, which input 0V to BKSW input when fully lifted.
LED on when brake is fully lifted.
Malfunctioning brake shall cause either of 2 errors – BSD or BST
BSD - If brake does not drop 1 second from when lift stops with the doors closed.
Note: BSD error shall only set when the doors are closed to enable lift to re-level with the doors open
BST - If brake does not lift once run is initiated.
See also EEprom settings, BST
See also LCD lift status BSD, BST.
SIn3 – HR Input
Used to recall a lift to a particular floor in an emergency.
When SIN3 switches to 0V, the lift shall cancel all calls (car and hall if simplex, car only if duplex), stop at the next
available landing without opening its doors and return to the floor set at parameter HRF or HRR.
When in HR mode, the lift shall be out of service as indicated by OS output turning on. Also, while the lift is in HR
mode output SO2 is turned on, for indication if required.
Once the lift arrives at the designated floor it will open its doors for the time set in DTRF or DTRR. Nb: If SIN4
input is held on the lift shall remain at the HR floor with the doors open. DTRF and DTRR shall not operate.
If the lift is not turned to IND or CFS after this time it returns to normal operation.
See also EEprom settings HRF, HRR, DTRF and DTRR.
SO1 – Inspection Relay Output/Correction Run Output
Dependant on DRV setting;
This output shall be activated when the lift is on inspection. To be used for driving an external inspection relay,
where extra inspection contacts may be required. Eg. Inspection contact in series with up fast speed valve, so lift
travels on slow speed when on inspection.
Not applicable when DRV is set "03" or "0A". When DRV = 0A or 03, this output shall be activated when the lift
is performing a correction run. To be used for driving an external relay, where the contacts may be required for a
correction speed input to the drive.
See Section 6: Motion, 03 and 0A.
SO2 – HR Output
While the lift is in HR mode output SO2 is turned on, for indication if required.
See also Inputs – Outputs SIN3- HR

SP1 - Multi Purpose output 1

See Section 6: Motion, for more on the relay operation
See also EEprom settings ST2 - Star/Delta changeover time and SDX - Star Delta Exchange time

SP2 - Multi Purpose output 2

See Section 6: Motion, for more on the relay operation
See also EEprom settings ST2 - Star/Delta changeover time and SDX - Star Delta Exchange time
Star contactor output
Delta contactor output


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