Cfs - Car Fire Service Input; Cfss - Car Fire Service Start Input; Dcbf - Door Close Button (Front Doors) Input; Dcbr - Door Close Button (Rear Doors) Input - ECD 100-181 Manual

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I N P U T S – O U T P U T S
1CR - I/O - 1
floor rear car call/tell tale light
2CR - I/O - 2
floor rear car call/tell tale light
3CR - I/O - 3
floor rear car call/tell tale light
4CR - I/O - 4
floor rear car call/tell tale light
5CR - I/O - 5
floor rear car call/tell tale light
6CR - I/O - 6
floor rear car call/tell tale light

CFS - Car Fire Service input

Australia: CFS - Car Fire Service signal input.
LED on when keyed to CFS unless inverted with MOD setting.
CFS over rides HFS.
CFS shall allow only one car call to be entered and shall toggle to the latest pressed call.
When CFSS is pressed, CFS input must stay on.
USA: Fire Service Code 17.1. FS EEprom setting must be set to 01
CFS – Phase 2. In Car Fire Operation input.

CFSS - Car Fire Service Start input

Australia: CFSS – Car Fire Service Start signal input.
The CFSS LED is on when keyed to CFSS unless inverted with MOD setting.
The input is switched low to 0V.
When on CFS mode, CFSS input shall close the doors. The DOBF/DOBR and EDPF/EDPR shall be ignored.
CFSS must held on until the doors are closed. The lift shall then run to the floor selected.
USA: CFSS – Phase 2. In Car Call Cancel input.

DCBF - Door Close Button (Front doors) input

LED will turn on when front door close button is pressed unless inverted with CNT setting.
The front door close button closes the front doors on Independent Service.
DCBF cancels front doors timing on normal operation if DT is set to 01h.
Both the front doors detector EDPF and front door open button DOBF shall override the front door close button

DCBR - Door Close Button (Rear doors) input

LED will turn on when the rear door close button is pressed unless inverted with CNT setting.
The rear door close button closes the rear doors on Independent Service.
DCBR cancels rear doors timing on normal operation if DT is set to 01h.
Both the rear doors detector EDPR and rear door open button DOBR shall override the rear door close button

DCF - Door Close (Front doors) relay output


DCR - Door Close (Rear doors) relay output


DDN - Direction Down output

Output switches to +24V for indication of lift advanced down direction.

DDO - Door Open Disable input / Toggle Switch

Door Open Disable input
LED on when DDO input is activated.
Door Close (Front doors) relay output. See also DFCF Input.
Door Close (Rear doors) relay output. See also DFCR Input.
Down Direction indication output.


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