Ndgf - Nudging Buzzer Output Front Doors; Ndgr - Nudging Buzzer Output Rear Doors; Nrf - Nudging Output Front Doors; Nrr - Nudging Output Rear Doors - ECD 100-181 Manual

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I N P U T S – O U T P U T S
remain the same until the lift passes through DZ. At floor level the MSU magnets must be within the DZ magnet
or a dual advance count may occur.
Re-leveling Operation – If the lift is stationary at a floor and MSU is off with DZ and MSD on then the lift shall re-
level down (LDN displayed on LCD) until MSU is switched on again. If the lift fails to re level to the floor after 3
consecutive, 10 second attempts, LEV will be displayed on the LCD. Lift shall no longer attempt to re level.
Note: LEV status does not take the lift out of service.
A re-level shall only occur approximately 3 seconds after a run or previous re-level whilst lift is on an appropriate
A re-level shall only occur if the doors are fully closed or fully open

NDGF - Nudging Buzzer output front doors

NDGF is used to activate an audible signal when lift on HFS recall
NDGF can also be used to operate an audible floor passing tone device
NDGF can also be used to operate a door nudging buzzer
See also EEprom settings, NR

NDGR - Nudging Buzzer output rear doors

NDGR is used to activate an audible signal when lift on HFS recall
NDGR can also be used to operate an audible floor passing tone device
NDGR can also be used to operate a door nudging buzzer
See also EEprom settings, NR

NRF - Nudging output front doors

NRF output turns on when the lift is on front door nudging mode.
In door nudging mode, the doors will close regardless of EDPF input state.
NRF output is used to activate a relay. The relay contacts are used to signal the front door operator to close the
doors at a reduced speed and torque to avoid injury.
Nudging mode occurs when front doors are held open via EDPF for more than 20 seconds after door timing has
expired. Lift must be in NOR mode (normal operation) for nudging to operate.
See also EEprom settings, NR

NRR - Nudging output rear doors

NRR output turns on when the lift is on rear door nudging mode.
In door nudging mode, the doors will close regardless of EDPR input state.
NRR output is used to activate a relay. The relay contacts are used to signal the rear door operator to close the
doors at a reduced speed and torque to avoid injury.
Nudging mode occurs when rear doors are held open via EDPR for more than 20 seconds after door timing has
expired. Lift must be in NOR mode (normal operation) for nudging to operate.
See also EEprom settings, NR

OS - Out of Service output

Out of service output
This signal turns on whenever the lift is out of the group and therefore not available to answer hall calls.
If safeties are lost or the lift is not in normal mode of operation this signal shall activate.
NB: If EEprom setting, DRV = 03 or 0A, CFS and IND do not turn on OS output

PI - Position Indicator output

PI transistor position outputs switch high to 24Vdc and are used for indication of lift position.


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