Eeprom Version 4.02 Summary - ECD 100-181 Manual

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EEProm Version 4.02 Summary

The EEProm holds values for various contract settings which may be altered on site. Each setting has a definition
followed by its value in hex and then its value in bit format.
Note: Refer to EEProm Definitions (Full description) for more information.
BOT Bottom floor number (VALUE)
Setting example:- BOT 01: 00000001 (Level 1)
TOP Top floor number
Setting example:- TOP 06: 00000110 (Level 6 is top floor)
BCC Bottom car call for "BOT CALL" button on the circuit board (MASK)
Setting example:- BCC 80: 10000000 (Bottom call Level 1)
TCC Top car call for "TOP CALL" button on the circuit board (MASK)
Setting example:-TCC 04: 00000100 (Top call to level 6)
CCMF Car call mask. Front doors floors allowed. (MASK)
Setting example:-CCMF FC: 11111100
CCMR Car call mask. Rear doors floors allowed. (MASK)
Setting example:-CCMR F8: 11111000
UCMF Up call mask. Front doors floors allowed. (MASK)
Setting example:- UCMF F8: 11111000
UCMR Up call mask. Rear doors floors allowed. (MASK)
Setting example:- UCMR F0: 11110000
DCMF Down call mask. Front doors floors allowed. (MASK)
Setting example:- DCMF 7C: 01111100
DCMR Down call mask. Rear doors floors allowed. (MASK)
Setting example:- DCMR 78: 01111000
LOB Lobby floor. (MASK)
Setting example:- LOB 40: 01000000 (Level 2 is the master zoning floor)
ZON Zone floor. (MASK)
Setting example:-ZON 10: 00010000 (Zone to Level 4)
ZTM Zoning time. (VALUE)
Setting example:-ZTM 06: 00000110 (= 60seconds)
HFSF Hall fire service floor. Front doors floors (MASK)
Setting example:-HFSF 80: 10000000 (Front doors, level 1)
HFSR Hall fire service floor. Rear doors floors (MASK)
Setting example:-HFSR 00: 00000000 (Rear doors, no setting)
Short Floor Run (MASK)
Setting example:- SFR 9F: 10011111 (Short floor between 2&3)
Lift Number
Setting example:- L.# 02: 00000010
Number of Lifts
Setting example:- #.L 03: 00000011
MOD Mode inputs
Setting example:- MOD 02: 00000010 (CFS input inverted)
CNT CNT inputs
Setting example:- CNT 02: 00000010 (DOB input inverted)
HFAF Hall fire alternate floor. Front doors floors. US only (MASK)
Setting example:- HFAF 00: 00000000
HFAR Hall fire alternate floor. Rear doors floors. US only (MASK)
Setting example:- HFAR 40: 01000000
PRV If set to "1" requires PRV on all DRV settings
(Lift #2)
(3 Lifts in group)
(Front doors, levels 1-6)
(Rear doors, levels 1-5)
(Front doors, levels 1U-5U)
(Rear doors, levels 1U-4U)
(Front doors, levels 2D-6D)
(Rear doors, levels 2D-5D)
(Front doors, no setting)
(Rear doors, level 2 alt. fire floor)


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