Wavetek ANT-20 Operating Manual

Advanced network tester
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ANT-20, ANT-20E
Advanced Network Tester
Broadband Analyzer/Generator
BN 3035/90.80
Software Version 7.20
Operating Manual


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Wavetek ANT-20

  • Page 1 ANT-20, ANT-20E Advanced Network Tester Broadband Analyzer/Generator BN 3035/90.80 Software Version 7.20 Operating Manual...
  • Page 2 Please direct all enquiries to your local Wavetek Wandel Goltermann sales company. The addresses are given at the end of this handbook. Copyrights This product or parts of it are based upon Recommendations and/or Standards of the Standardization Sector of the International...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Contents Introduction Main applications of the Broadband Analyzer/Generator ..I-1 Application concept ........I-2 Test applications .
  • Page 4 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Port configurations (topologies) and Instrument Configuration ....... . O-16 Overview .
  • Page 5 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 6.3.2 The “Header/Address” index card ....O-41 6.3.3 The “Traffic Contract” index card.....O-43 6.3.4...
  • Page 6 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E 3.4.4 Trouble Scan: Detecting and displaying ATM Channels where alarms are present ... . . A-27 Selecting Options ....... . A-29 Sorting Channels .
  • Page 7 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 1.5.4 Test Cell Format ........S-3 Source Models .
  • Page 8 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Notes:...
  • Page 9: Introduction

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Introduction Main applications of the Broadband Analyzer/Generator ATM is set to change the landscape in WANs and LANs in the coming years. Practically all network operators view ATM as a key technology in enabling them to provide the required high quality standard in future services.
  • Page 10: Application Concept

    ATM test technology. Application concept The Broadband Analyzer/Generator in the ANT-20/ANT-20E is an ATM tester that is equipped with integrated interfaces. This ensures that the necessary interface is easily accessible when you are on the move.
  • Page 11 Automatic test sequence for switched virtual circuits The receiver of the Broadband Analyzer/Generator can be used separately for troubleshooting or analysis. The ANT-20/ANT-20E can be used with a “T” connector or optical power splitter for this monitor type operating mode.
  • Page 12 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E All test applications are supported by a practical application and channel database. In the simplest scenario, an application is called up and started directly. With the ATM channel editor a comfortable tool for the extension and handling of the ATM channel database is available.
  • Page 13: Test Applications

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Test applications ATM performance analysis The basic version of the tester supports analysis of the ATM layer “Quality of Service”. Measurements are performed in conformance with ITU-T Recommendation O.191, “SPECIFICATIONS OF MEASURING EQUIPMENT; Equipment to Assess ATM Layer Cell Transfer Performance”.
  • Page 14: Uni Signaling Tests

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E UNI signaling tests The “Signaling Emulation” function allows you to test the signaling characteristics of UNIs. Signaling emulation provides a rapid “go/no go” assessment of the following: • Is it possible to set up a connection? • What address format is supported? •...
  • Page 15: Using And Setting Up The Broadband Analyzer/Generator

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Using and setting up the Broadband Analyzer/Generator The Broadband Analyzer/Generator is a flexible test concept for performing tests on the various protocol layers. The diagram shows the points of access that the ATM tester can use within the layer model. It also shows the modular structure of the Windows user interface in conjunction with the generator and receiver hardware.
  • Page 16: Overview: Virtual Instruments, "Vis

    To make it easier to locate and operate the large number of instrument functions, a user interface was developed for the ANT-20 family of instruments that makes use of the concept of virtual instruments or “VIs”. The VIs are designed so that each has a clearly defined set of tasks.
  • Page 17: Often Used Terminology

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Often used terminology Application An application consists of a suitable collection of virtual instruments (VIs for short) used to solve a measurement task. In this way applications can be defined e.g. for physical layer or ATM layer measurements.
  • Page 18 • Backward is the direction from the “called” device to the “calling” device. Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) • Forward is the send direction of the device. • Backward is the receiving direction of the device Device means: ANT-20/ANT-20E. I-10 Introduction...
  • Page 19: Operation

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Operation ATM Test Control Introduction Task The “ATM Test Control” VI is used to select a test type and to configure the instrument for the selected test type. You can also control the running of the test from this VI if the selected test type allows for manual control (“Test - Online Control”...
  • Page 20: Atm Test Control" Window Layout And Commands

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Restrictions The following virtual instruments cannot be used within a single application at the same time as the “ATM Test Control” VI: “ATM Signal Structure”, “ATM Background Generator” and “ATM Traffic Analyzer” “ATM Test Control” window layout and commands The “ATM Test Control”...
  • Page 21 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Toolbar The toolbar buttons provide direct access to the more important functions of the VI. Meanings of icons, from left to right (equivalent menu command shown in brackets): Icon Meaning Configure instrument (Instrument - Configuration ...) Select test type, set test parameters (Test - Setup ...) Alter source parameters “on-line”(Test - Online Control ...)
  • Page 22: Important Dialog Windows

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Important dialog windows The “Instrument Configuration” dialog The “Instrument Configuration” dialog is used to set the port configuration or topology for the measurement task and to match the instrument to the protocol layers used. You can also select whether permanent (PVC) or switched (SVC) virtual connections are to be tested.
  • Page 23 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator The extended “Test Setup” dialog The “Test Setup <...>” dialog is used to configure the test type and to match it to your measurement task (see Sec. 5.9). Fig. O-5 The extended “Test Setup <...>” dialog The “Channel Editor” dialog The Channel Editor is used to define virtual channels and save them in a database;...
  • Page 24 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The “Test Online Control - <...>” dialog The source parameters of interest for your measurement task can be altered using the “Test Online Control - <...>” dialog as the test cell stream is being generated while a measurement is running.
  • Page 25: Atm Test Results

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator ATM Test Results Introduction Task The “ATM Test Results” VI is used to display the results of measurements performed using the “ATM Test Control” VI. The results windows are configured depending on the active “Test type” set in the “ATM Test Control” VI. The following results windows may appear in the workspace of the “ATM Test Results”...
  • Page 26 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Menu bar and toolbar Result window/ workspace Fig. O-9 “ATM Test Results” main window Menu bar The menu bar contains a range of pulldown menus for selecting the following commands or groups of commands: Options Select optional settings for the record file for signaling measurements.
  • Page 27: Results Window

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Icon Meaning Print results (Print - Print ...) Export results (Print - Export ...) Open on-line help (Help - Contents) Table O-2 Meaning of icons (continue) Results window After the measurement has been started, the measurement data are written continuously to the display fields of the individual windows.
  • Page 28 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Fig. O-11 “Quality Of Service” results window “Signaling Analysis” A record of the signaling is made and displayed in the “Signaling Analysis” window for each measurement on switched virtual circuits (SVC). The record is saved in a Log File. If the “Log QoS Parameters”...
  • Page 29: Atm Channel Explorer

    Restrictions The following virtual instruments cannot be used at the same time as the “ATM Channel Explorer” VI within an application (applies to ANT-20 only): “ATM Signal Structure”, “ATM Background Generator” and “ATM Traffic Analyzer”. The Channel Explorer can only be used if no other measurements have been started with the Application Manager and no test traffic is enabled.
  • Page 30: Atm Channel Explorer" Window Layout And Commands

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E “ATM Channel Explorer” window layout and commands The “ATM Channel Explorer” main window with the result list appears after the VI is loaded. The commands for configuring and starting the Scan functions are found in the menu bar. In addition, there are commands to perform analyses, to sort the output and to output results.
  • Page 31 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Toolbar The toolbar buttons provide direct access to the more important functions of the VI: • Triggering the Scan function • Triggering AAL analysis • Sorting • Preselecting the interface • Printing and exporting the results. Meanings of icons, from left to right (equivalent menu command shown in brackets):...
  • Page 32 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Results window After the Scan has been triggered, the results are saved in the result memory and displayed in the appropriate results window according to the selected Scan type. The results memory can store up to 1000 channels per Scan. The results window can only show about 10 channels at once.
  • Page 33 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Scan - Trouble “Scan - Trouble” checks for channels that are in an alarm state. The instrument detects every alarm message cell and enters the corresponding channel in the results list. There are two results windows corresponding to the error management hierarchy: •...
  • Page 34: Port Configurations (Topologies) And Instrument Configuration

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Port configurations (topologies) and Instrument Configuration VI: ATM Test Control Overview To simplify the basic setting of the instrument for ATM measurements, all the fundamental settings are made from a central dialog. This “Instrument Configuration” dialog handles the following: •...
  • Page 35: Port Configuration

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator The dialog contains the following sections: Section Meaning Port configuration Set the topology (Sec. 4.3, Page O-17) Tx/Rx Configuration Match the instrument to the protocol layers (Sec. 4.4, Page O-19) Signaling emulation Activate the signaling emulation Buttons...
  • Page 36 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Looped The instrument's generator and receiver are connected to different ports, with the Tx signal looped back to the receiver. Using this topology, it is possible to configure the physical layer for different bit rates or mappings for the generator and receiver. An ATM mapping must, however, be selected for the Tx and Rx sides.
  • Page 37: Tx/Rx Configuration

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Tx/Rx Configuration The buttons in the “Tx/Rx configuration” field are used to configure the individual protocol layers for the Tx and Rx sides of the instrument. The buttons have the following meanings: Button Meaning SERVICE Configure the ATM service layer Configure the signaling protocol (Sec.
  • Page 38 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The buttons and check boxes have the following meanings: Radio buttons/Check boxes Meaning Tx/(Rx) Settings (a) Generator (receiver) side parameters Interface Interface type “UNI” option: User-Network Interface “NNI” option: Network-Node Interface Payload Scrambler Activate/deactivate payload scrambler Stuffing Type of stuffing cells “Idle cells”...
  • Page 39: Edit Signal Structure

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 4.4.2 “Edit Signal Structure” The “PHYSICAL” button brings the “Signal Structure” VI to the front if it was previously loaded using the Application Manager. The relevant parameters such as physical interface, bit rate, frame structure or mapping, etc. are set from this VI.
  • Page 40: The "Address Input" Dialog

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The buttons and check boxes have the following meanings: Button/Check Box Meaning Protocol (a) Combo box with protocol types: UNI 3.0, UNI 3.1, Q.2931 Associated Signaling Check box for selecting “Associated Signaling”. This requires that the Q.2931 protocol is selected. With “Associated Signaling”, the user channels are in the same virtual path (VP) as the signaling channel.
  • Page 41 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator The buttons and check boxes have the following meanings: Button/Check Box Meaning Format (a) Address format Native E.164 Option for E.164 format NSAP Option for NSAP-format Address (b) Change address for “Native E.164” format or “NSAP” format...
  • Page 42 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The “Address Input - NSAP” box (not displayed) Button/Check Box Meaning Radio buttons for Type of address (Authority and Format Identifier) - International Code Designator - Data Country Code E.164 - Public network code number, as per E.164 E.191...
  • Page 43: Test Types

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Test Types Overview “Test types” serve to structure the measurement modes and the so-called connection modes. A “test type” comprises a measurement mode and a connection mode. The connection mode defines how the virtual ATM connection is switched.
  • Page 44: The "Test Setup" Dialog: Setting The Test Type

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Test type Signaling Topology Notes activated ATM Layer QoS (SVC) - Calling Emulate Two instruments required. Only possible on UNI. ATM Layer QoS (SVC) - Called Emulate Two instruments required. Only possible on UNI. ATM Layer QoS (SVC) - Self Call Emulate Only possible on UNI.
  • Page 45: The "Atm Layer Qos - Looped Topology" Test Type

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator The “Test Setup” dialog consists of the following sections: Section Meaning Test type (a) List of test types, depends on the actual instrument configuration. Virtual Channel Display of current virtual connection mode as a pictogram with the channel...
  • Page 46: The "Atm Layer Qos (Pvc) - Point-To-Point" Test Type

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The “ATM Layer QoS (PVC) - Point-to-point” test type This test type is intended for ATM layer QoS measurements with permanent virtual connections where channels are to be tested from end to end in both directions. This test is particularly effective in determining adherence to traffic contracts.
  • Page 47: The "Atm Layer Qos (Pvc) - Looped" Test Type

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator The “ATM Layer QoS (PVC) - Looped” test type This test type is intended for ATM layer QoS measurements with permanent virtual connections where the virtual channels are to be looped back in the DUT either in the physical layer or in the ATM layer.
  • Page 48: The "Atm Layer Qos (Svc) - Calling" Test Type

    Traffic generation ceases after the call is cleared down. The instrument can be called as often as is required, but it can accept a maximum of four calls at one time. The calls can come from different (ANT-20) instruments at the far end operating in “Calling” mode.
  • Page 49: The "Atm Layer Qos (Svc) - Self Call" Test Type

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Characteristics • Measurement of switched virtual connections (SVC) • Up to four virtual channels possible • Cell delay measurements are not possible • Bi-directional, symmetrical or asymmetric channels can be tested. Basic instrument settings • “Emulate” topology •...
  • Page 50: The "Test Setup

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The “Test Setup <...>” dialog: Configure test type The extended “Test Setup <...>” dialog is used to configure the test type and to match it to your measurement task. The test channels are represented here by index cards, e.g. “Channel A”, “Channel B”, etc.
  • Page 51: Select Channel

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator The “Test Setup <...>” dialog may include the following sections: Section Meaning Select channel (a) Select pre-defined test channels (see Sec. 5.9.1) Channel Editor ... (b) Push button: Open the Channel Editor Source Parameters (c) Set the source parameters...
  • Page 52: Header

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The items in the list are arranged in alphabetical order of traffic type. The following traffic types are available: Disabled No test channel assigned; test channel is disabled Constant bit rate traffic VBR-RT Real-time variable bit rate traffic...
  • Page 53: Called Party Address

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 5.9.3 Called party address This field is used to display and set the ATM address of the called party (in “Calling” mode). Section Meaning Called Party Address Address display and action button for changing the called address.
  • Page 54: Source Parameters

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E 5.9.5 Source parameters The “Source Parameters” field is used to set the source parameters. These determine the load conditions for the channel (Peak Cell Rate, Mean Cell Rate) and the jitter and burst characteristics. When you select a test channel, the source parameters will be initialized with the default values pre-defined in the “Channel Editor”.
  • Page 55: Multiplexer

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 5.9.6 Multiplexer The entries made in the “Multiplexer” field have the character of a preview (traffic prediction) since the generator is not yet active during the setup. This makes it possible to set up the generator exactly before starting the measurement.
  • Page 56: Defining Virtual Channels

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Defining Virtual Channels VI: ATM Test Control Overview Virtual channel The term “virtual channel” is central to ATM technology. A virtual channel is basically characterized by • The type of virtual connection: switched (SVC) or permanent (PVC) •...
  • Page 57 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Fig. O-26 The “Channel Editor” dialog The dialog contains the following sections: Section Meaning Header (a) Channel List box listing all saved virtual channels. Save Saves the virtual channel in the database under the current name Creates a new virtual channel.
  • Page 58: Parameter Display And Modification (Index Cards

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Parameter display and modification (index cards) 6.3.1 The “General” index card This index card defines the general parameters for the virtual channel selected in the “Channel” list box. Fig. O-27 The “General” index card (Channel Editor) The radio buttons have the following meanings:...
  • Page 59: The "Header/Address" Index Card

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 6.3.2 The “Header/Address” index card This index card defines the default header values or the default ATM address of the selected channel, depending on whether a permanent (PVC) or a switched (SVC) channel is selected: • PVC: Set default header •...
  • Page 60 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Default Called Party Address Fig. O-29 The “Header/Address” index card when using switched virtual circuits: Default Called Party Address The sections have the following meanings: Button/Box Meaning Protocol (a) Combo box with protocol types UNI 3.0, UNI 3.1, Q.2931...
  • Page 61: The "Traffic Contract" Index Card

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 6.3.3 The “Traffic Contract” index card This index card defines the channel traffic contract parameters. The possible entries depend on the selected traffic type. The index card contains the following sections: Fig. O-30 The “Traffic Contract” index card (Channel Editor)
  • Page 62: The "Traffic Contract" Index Card (Continued

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E 6.3.4 The “Traffic Contract” index card (continued) This index card defines the extended part of the contract parameters for the channel. The possible entries depend on the selected connection type (PVC, SVC). Fig. O-31 The “Traffic Contract (con’t)” index card (Channel Editor)
  • Page 63: The "Traffic Source" Index Card

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 6.3.5 The “Traffic Source” index card This index card is used to set the default source parameters for the channel. Fig. O-32 The “Traffic Source” index card (Channel Editor) The index card contains the following sections: Section...
  • Page 64 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Notes: O-46 Operation...
  • Page 65: Application Guide

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Application Guide The Application Manager Starting point The instrument has been started. After booting up, the “Application Manager” appears on the screen (“ANT20 - <Application Title>” window). The “Application Title” window is the central control for the instrument. It is used to control and manage the measurement applications and the results that they generate, and to control the measurement sequence.
  • Page 66: Starting And Stopping The Measurement

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Fig. A-3 “Add & Remove Instruments” dialog after adding the desired virtual instruments (Preselection: ATM Advanced) Starting and Stopping the Measurement Before starting the measurement, the traffic button in the Application Manager is set to “green”. Starting the measurement ⇒...
  • Page 67: Atm Layer Quality Of Service Measurements (Svc

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator ATM Layer Quality of Service Measurements (SVC) Overview: Basic operating sequence The following section lists all the necessary steps, from loading the application, basic configuration settings via defining the test traffic to the results display. Further information on the operating sequences is found in the corresponding sub-sections (see the “More”...
  • Page 68: Test Setup And Description

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Test setup and description Chapter 2 takes you step by step through the procedure for ATM layer QoS tests. The procedure is based on a configuration with terminal emulation and signaling, to allow switched virtual connections (SVCs) to be tested. The example selection of an end-to-end measurement requires the use of a second instrument.
  • Page 69: Configuring The Instrument: "Atm Test Control" Vi

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 2.3.1 Configuring the Instrument: “ATM Test Control” VI ⇒ Click on the icon button of the “ATM Test Control” VI in the minibar (Application Manager) (see Fig. A-5). The “ATM Test Control” main window appears on top (see Fig. A-6).
  • Page 70 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E A) To set the topology ⇒ Select the “Emulate” option in the “Port configuration” field to allow activation of signaling emulation. “Emulate” can only be selected if the physical layer is set to the same bit rate and mapping for both generator and receiver;...
  • Page 71 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 1. Click the toolbar icon or the “Edit - Signal Structure...” menu command The “Edit Signal Structure” dialog window of the “Signal Structure” VI opens. The signal structure is set column by column using the corresponding buttons.
  • Page 72 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Option “Change own address” 5. Click the “Change Address” button if you want to alter the address of the instrument. The “Address Input” dialog window opens. Fig. A-12 The “Address Input” dialog 6. Select the address format, e.g. Native E.164.
  • Page 73: Selecting The Test Type: "Atm Test Control" Vi

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 2.3.2 Selecting the Test Type: “ATM Test Control” VI The “Test types” available for selection are used to structure the measurement and connection types or so-called “Connection modes”. They are arranged according to protocol layers, with only the ATM layer currently supported. Only those test types that are possible and meaningful for the selected instrument configuration are available for selection.
  • Page 74: Configuring The Test Type: "Atm Test Control" Vi

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E 2.3.3 Configuring the Test Type: “ATM Test Control” VI To configure the test type required for your measurement task The “Test Setup” dialog window is open. ⇒ Click the “Configure Test” button. The “Test Setup <...>” dialog window opens.
  • Page 75 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator B) Entering the address of the called instrument The “Test - Setup <...>” dialog is open. The instrument is configured for SVCs. 1. Click the “Change Address” button. The “Address Input” dialog window opens. Fig. A-17 The “Address Input” dialog 2.
  • Page 76: Enabling And Disabling Test Traffic

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Removing a test channel, if necessary 1. Click on the index card of the channel that you want to remove, e.g. “Channel B”. The index card showing the current channel and traffic type will move to the front.
  • Page 77: Editing Test Parameters "On-Line

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Editing Test Parameters “On-Line”: “ATM Test Control” VI Opening the “Online Control” dialog window The “ATM Test Control” main window is open. ⇒ Click the above icon button of the toolbar. – or – ⇒ Select the “Test - Online Control” menu command.
  • Page 78: Inserting Errors: "Atm Test Control" Vi

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Inserting Errors: “ATM Test Control” VI Opening the “Error Insertion” dialog window The “ATM Test Control” main window is open. ⇒ Click the above icon button of the toolbar. – or – ⇒ Select the “Test - Error Insertion” menu command.
  • Page 79: Displaying The Results: "Atm Test Results" Vi

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Displaying the Results: “ATM Test Results” VI Fig. A-22 Application manager ⇒ Click the icon button for the “ATM Test Results” VI in the minibar. The “Test Results” window is displayed on top. After the VI has booted up, the work area contains the following results windows: •...
  • Page 80: Displaying The Signaling Analysis

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The “Signaling Analysis” is on top when the configuration selected is for switched virtual connections (SVC). This allows you to follow the signaling sequence right from when the call is being set up. The window is not displayed for configurations with permanent virtual connections (PVC) since it has no meaning in this context.
  • Page 81 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Channel Status The “Channel Status” field indicates the circuit status of the test channels: “disconnected” Circuit disconnected. Yellow “connecting” Circuit in process of connecting. Green “connected” Circuit connected (switched). Signaling events This display field indicates the progress of the signaling. The signaling events are shown consecutively in separate lines, each with date and time information.
  • Page 82: The "Quality Of Service" Window

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E 2.7.3 The “Quality Of Service” window The “Quality Of Service” results window shows the ITU-T O.191 QoS performance parameters. The index cards of the window show detailed, channel-specific results. The right-hand section of the window is always visible and shows the alarm states for all channels.
  • Page 83 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Delay Related Parameters The “Delay Related Parameters” display field shows the performance parameters affecting the cell transfer delay for the selected test channel. The overall results are shown under “Total”. The intermediate results are shown under “Intermed.” The Total results are for the entire measurement period up to this point.
  • Page 84: The "Receiver Status" Window

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E The alarm duration is shown separately for each channel on the corresponding index cards. • The “Delay Related Parameters” are only displayed if one of the following test types was selected in the “ATM Test Control” VI: –...
  • Page 85 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator HEC Error Counts The “HEC Error Counts” display area shows the results of the receiver Header Error Check. The values are cumulative for the entire measurement interval. Correctable Total number of correctable header errors Uncorrectable Total number of uncorrectable header errors Defect Seconds The “Defect Seconds”...
  • Page 86: Detecting And Analyzing Atm Channels (Channel Explorer

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Detecting and analyzing ATM channels (Channel Explorer) Overview: Basic operating sequence The following section lists all the necessary steps, from starting the application and selecting the scan type through to the scan itself and on to sorting the results and recording them. Further information on the operating sequences is found in the corresponding sub-sections (see the “More”...
  • Page 87: Test Setup And Description

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Test setup and description Chapter 3 describes the procedure for checking traffic and locating faults using the “Channel Explorer”. This tool is used to interactively observe the events on an ATM link and to analyze them. The various “Scan and analysis types” available are described.
  • Page 88: Measurement

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Measurement 3.4.1 “Activity” Scan: Detect and Display Active ATM Channels “Scan - Activity” looks for active channels. The instrument detects every active channel and enters it in to the results list. The “Activity” scan type is the default setting, as shown in the header of the current results list.
  • Page 89: Analyzing The Aal Types Of Active Atm Channels

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Tip: To stop the scan click the icon button of the toolbar again or click “Start” in the “Scan” menu again. A scan can only be started or a test traffic can be generated, when no other measurements that are started from the Application Manager are in progress.
  • Page 90: Displaying The Aal Type Distribution

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E To stop the analysis ⇒ Click the “Cancel” button (e.g. if “Unchecked” entries appear in the list). – or – The analysis stops automatically when all channels are analyzed again. Attribute Meaning AAL 1 Constant bit rate channel (AAL type 1, service class A)
  • Page 91: Trouble Scan: Detecting And Displaying Atm Channels Where Alarms Are Present

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator To stop the analysis ⇒ Click the “Cancel” button. – or – The analysis stops automatically when the analysis is complete (“Unchecked” = 0%). When you perform an “AAL Type Distribution” analysis, an “AAL Type” analysis is automatically also performed.
  • Page 92 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E To select “Trouble” scan ⇒ Click the item “Trouble” in the “Scan” menu. The selected function is marked with a dot. Header “Scan -Trouble” Results lists (initially empty) Fig. A-33 The “Scan” menu with selected “Trouble” scan type and corresponding results list To start the scan ⇒...
  • Page 93: Selecting Options

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Results lists Each line corresponds to a channel exhibiting a RDI and/or an AIS alarm. A current alarm is indicated in upper-case letters (e.g. AIS).Previous alarms that are no longer active are indicated in lower-case letters (e.g. ais).
  • Page 94: Sorting Channels

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Sorting Channels To sort the channels The icon buttons shown above (toolbar) are used to sort the channels, i.e. to determine the order in which they are displayed in the result window. Each button corresponds to a sort criterion.
  • Page 95: Technical Background

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Technical Background ATM Traffic Generation and Multiplexing VI: ATM Test Control Overview ATM test equipment takes on an important role in generating traffic profiles and multiplexing several virtual channels due to the specific characteristics of ATM technology. The...
  • Page 96: Generator Principle

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Generator Principle The traffic generator of the ANT-20 or of the Broadband Analyzer/Generator simultaneously generates up to four test channels (software version 6.0). The generator produces quasi- statistical traffic according to different source models and model parameters. It is deterministic in the sense that the same instrument settings will always result in exactly the same traffic profile.
  • Page 97: Constant Bit Rate" Source Model

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 1.3.1 “Constant Bit Rate” source model The “Constant Bit Rate” source model generates test cells at equidistant intervals in time, with fill cells inserted in the spaces (see Fig. TB-2). The desired traffic profile can be affected using the following parameters: •...
  • Page 98: On-Off" Source Model

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E 1.3.2 “On-Off” source model The “On-Off” source model generates test cells in bursts. Fill cells are inserted in the gaps (see Fig. TB-3). The desired traffic profile can be influenced using the following parameters: • Peak Cell Rate •...
  • Page 99: Traffic Control And Multiplexing Method

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Traffic Control and Multiplexing Method As well as being able to set the source parameters “off-line”, i.e. before starting the measurement, the “ATM Test Control” VI also allows you to change all the relevant source parameters “on-line”, i.e. during a measurement. The parameters are defined off-line using the “Test Setup”...
  • Page 100 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Fig. TB-4 “Test Setup” and “Test Online Control” dialog windows with index cards and “Multiplexer” section To make it easier to see the complex procedures during multiplex formation, an overview of the status of each channel is given in the “Multiplexer” field.
  • Page 101 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Multiplexer results for permanent virtual connections (PVC) Display Meaning Numerical display A ... D Test channel name DC: ... “Dropped Cell Count” display: Percentage of dropped cells referred to the mean cell rate of the channel. Dropped cells occur if the bandwidth set for a channel cannot be reached.
  • Page 102: Traffic Shaper

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Fig. TB-5 “Test Setup” dialog for SVC connections with Multiplexer section (a) Traffic Shaper If the “Shape to Contract” option is activated, the instrument shapes the set traffic profile. Shaping occurs whenever the traffic contract would otherwise be violated. This means that conformance to the traffic contract is guaranteed when the option is activated.
  • Page 103: Testing Switched Virtual Circuits (Svcs

    • Sub-addresses are supported Interoperability with other instruments The ANT-20 completely fulfills the quoted standards. If you make a connection to any other instrument, please note the following: • The setup message that is generated contains the following information elements (IE): –...
  • Page 104: Starting And Stopping Signaling, Generating Test Traffic

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E • A connection is accepted if: – The called party address is the same as the instrument address – The setup message has the format given above – The stated contract parameters are plausible and the instrument is capable of generating the required cell stream.
  • Page 105 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Features • Measurement of the QoS parameters starts (“ATM Test Results” VI) as soon as a connection has been set up. • If test traffic has been enabled, it will be generated as soon as a connection is set up.
  • Page 106 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Time sequence After the measurement is started (Application Manager) the following automatic sequence begins. The sequence is split into 4 phases: Gate time Phase Signaling traffic SSCOP connection disc. connecting connected disconnected Test channel disconnected connecting connected...
  • Page 107: Called" Mode

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator “Called” mode Called instrument (Reference point) Forward Backward Fig. TB-9 Configuration diagram (VI “ATM Test Control”) Features • The “called” instrument is ready to receive calls during the measurement interval. Calls occurring outside the measurement interval will not be accepted.
  • Page 108 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Test type: “ATM Layer QoS (SVC) - Called” Settings Basically the same as for “Calling” mode (see Sec. 2.4) but the test types in “Configure instrument” are reversed. Time sequence After the measurement is started (Application Manager) the following automatic sequence begins.
  • Page 109: Self Call" Mode

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator “Self Call” mode Forward Backward Fig. TB-11 Configuration diagram (VI “ATM Test Control”) Features “Self Call” mode is a combination of “Calling” (see Sec. 2.4) and “Called” modes (see Sec. 2.5). In the forward direction, the self-call has the characteristic of the calling instrument. In the backward direction, the instrument behaves like a called instrument.
  • Page 110 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Notes: TB-16 Technical Background...
  • Page 111: Specifications "Atm Layer

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Specifications “ATM Layer” Generator Scrambling The cell payload is scrambled as per ITU-T recommendation I.432 (X + 1). The scrambler can be disabled. Fill Cells The fill cell type is selectable. IDLE or UNASSIGNED cells can be used.
  • Page 112: General Functions

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E General Functions 1.4.1 Error Insertion (Anomalies) The following anomalies can be inserted in addition to the errors inserted in the physical layer. These anomalies are not dependent on the active measurement type, they are referred to the entire cell stream including fill cells.
  • Page 113: Functions For Atm Layer Quality Of Service Measurements

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Functions for ATM Layer Quality of Service Measurements 1.5.1 General Number of test channels ............4 Source models .
  • Page 114: Source Models

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Source Models 1.6.1 Constant Bit Rate Model A cell stream with nominally constant cell spacing is generated. Parameters ......... . . peak cell rate and cell jitter”...
  • Page 115: Traffic Shaper

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Mean cell rate resolution ..........1 cell/s Maximum burst size .
  • Page 116: Traffic Shaper For Vbr And Sbr Traffic Contracts

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E 1.7.2 Traffic Shaper for VBR and SBR Traffic Contracts Algorithm ........compatible with dual leaky bucket Parameters .
  • Page 117: Descrambling

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Receiver Descrambling Descrambling as per ITU-T recommendation I.432 (X + 1). The Descrambler can be disabled. General Functions 2.2.1 Error Measurements (Anomalies) The following anomalies are evaluated and displayed in addition to the errors on the physical layer.
  • Page 118: General

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E ATM Layer Quality of Service Measurements 2.3.1 General Features Number of measurement channels ..........4 Maximum measurement channel bandwidth .
  • Page 119: Alarm Detection (Defects)

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 2.3.4 Alarm Detection (Defects) Defect Defect Seconds Count Explanation VC-AIS Software LEDs for history and F5 layer (VC) Alarm actual status Indication Signal VP-AIS Software LEDs for history and F4 layer (VP) Alarm actual status Indication Signal...
  • Page 120: Channel Explorer

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Channel Explorer 2.4.1 Activity Scan Automatic detection of active virtual channels. Channels are distinguished by VCI and VPI. UNI and NNI interface types can be selected. Maximum number of channels detectable simultaneously ......1000 Sort function .
  • Page 121: Aal Analysis

    ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator 2.4.3 AAL analysis Automatic detection of AAL type for all channels detected during an Activity Scan. Maximum number of simultaneously analyzed channels ............1000 Different AAL types.
  • Page 122: Traffic Contracts

    Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Signaling The instrument simulates the signaling functions of a terminal on the user-network interface (UNI). Up to 4 connections can be switched simultaneously. “Channel associated signaling” can be selected as an option. Subaddresses can also be optionally used.
  • Page 123 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Index Symbols Burst Tolerance O-43 <disabled> O-32 Numerical Call address O-21 Called instrument O-25 2-point cell delay variation A-19 Called party O-30 2-pt. CDVpp A-19 Called party address O-35 Calling instrument O-25 Calling party O-30 O-34, O-40...
  • Page 124 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Max. CTD A-19 Mean Cell Rate O-36, O-45 E.191 (address type) O-24 Mean CTD A-19 Edit signal structure Measurement applications Emulate topology O-17, O-21, A-6 Min. CTD A-19 End-to-end measurement Multiplexer O-37 Error insertion O-6, A-14 Error management...
  • Page 125 ANT-20/ANT-20E Broadband Analyzer/Generator Scan start/stop O-13 Unassigned cells O-20 Scan type O-11, O-12 O-13, O-20, A-6 SECB A-18 UNI 3.0 O-22 SEL (address type) O-24 UNI 3.1 O-22 UNI/NNI O-34, O-41 Select channel O-33, A-10 Selection (virtual channel type) O-33...
  • Page 126 Broadband Analyzer/Generator ANT-20/ANT-20E Notes:...

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