SDMO R33C3 User And Maintenance Manual page 25

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General specifications for diesel fuel
The fuel used must have the following characteristics (non-exhaustive list):
The sulphur content must meet the current emissions regulations in the region where the
generating set is used.
For the United States and countries respecting the EPA regulation
Only use Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) fuel with a maximum sulphur content of 15 mg/kg
for Interim Tier 4 and Tier 4 certified engines.
For the European Union
Sulphur content
Directive 2009/30/CE whose aim is to limit atmospheric pollution, imposes the use of a diesel
fuel with a very low sulphur content of 10 mg/kg, for non road mobile machinery.
In France, this obligation has resulted in the development of a diesel fuel called "off road diesel
fuel" or "GNR". The maximum admissible sulphur content is 10 mg/kg. However, member
states allow these diesel fuels to contain up to 20 mg/kg of sulphur when they are distributed
to the final users. It is recommendable to avoid storing off road diesel fuel for long periods of
time (over 6 months).
The viscosity and density directly affect the performance (power and fuel consumption),
emissions and service life of the engine. A low level of viscosity and density reduces engine
power and increases fuel consumption. Too high a level of viscosity and density seriously
reduces the service life and operation of the fuel injection system.
In order to maintain adequate technical and environmental performance, the viscosity and
density must conform to the specifications indicated in the manufacturer's instructions for the
engines fitted to our generating sets.
In order to protect the fuel injection system against excessive wear, the fuel must have
satisfactory lubricity (refer to the manufacturer's instructions for the engines fitted to our
generating sets).
The ignition behaviour of diesel fuels is described by the cetane index. The cetane index is
Cetane index
important for emissions, the ability to start in cold weather and engine noises. The minimum
technical requirements are 45.
The fuel and tank must not contain any water. Water causes the engine parts to corrode and
wear more rapidly, particularly the injection system parts. In addition, water promotes the
growth of bacteria and fungi in the tank, which can clog the fuel filter. The fuel must not contain
any type of residue. Organic contaminants (bacteria, fungi, etc.) can block the fuel filters;
inorganic material in the fuel (dust, sand) can cause serious damage to the injection

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