Busch-Jaeger Busch-SmartTouch ST/U10.1.11-811 Product Manual page 222

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telegram has been received on the input during the blocking phase, the output sends its
If the size of the input and output objects is 1 bit, the input can also be inverted. This allows
an inverting member to be implemented via a gate. It is also possible to block signals via the
"Filter function" setting. Either "Do not filter" or the signal "Filtered out ON" or the signal
"Filtered out OFF" is sent.
The following parameters are displayed:
Direction of data flow:
The parameter is used to specify the direction data are sent via the channel. See the
explanation above.
Sending an output telegram:
The parameter is used to specify when the output telegram is sent.
Control input:
See the explanation above.
Object type input/output:
The parameter is used to specify the size of the communication object.
Switch: The following supplementary parameters are available:
Product manual 2CKA001473B5342
KNX control elements and application parameters
Input -> Output
Output -> Input
Input <-> Output
At every receipt
At changed values
Activation at OFF
Activation at ON
Forced operation
1-byte value [0% - 100%]
1-byte value [0 - 255]
1-byte value [-128 - 127]
Scene number
RTC operating mode
2-byte value [-32768 - +32767]
2-byte value [0 - 65535]
2-byte floating point
4-byte value [-2147483648 - 2147483647]
4-byte value [0 - 4294967295]
14-byte text
Application "Logical functions"


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