EMS AIR-FLOW handy 3.0 PERIO Operation Instructions Manual page 58

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The supragingival air/powder jet is powerful.
It can cause injury to the gums or an emphysema
caused by the introduction of air into the soft
tissue spaces. It is strongly recommended that
the operator never direct the nozzle directly at the
gum tissue or into the gingival sulcus.
During treatment, make small circular
Finally after the treatment polish all dental surfaces
by setting the water flow rate to the maximum.
FB-543_4_rev_B_Handy 3 Perio.indd 46
FB-543_4_rev_B_Handy 3 Perio.indd 46
Supragingivalni mlaz zraka/praška je
snažan. Može prouzročiti ozljede zubnog mesa
ili emfizem uzrokovan uvođenjem zraka na mjesto
mekog tkiva. Strogo se preporučuje da korisnik
nikad ne usmjerava mlaznicu izravno na zubno
meso ili u gingivni sulkus.
Tijekom tretmana izvodite male kružne
Nakon završetka tretmana ispolirajte sve zubne
površine tako da namjestite stopu protoka vode
na maksimum.
De supra-gingivale lucht/poederstraal
is krachtig. Hij kan letsel aan het tandvlees of
emfyseem veroorzaken doordat lucht wordt
ingebracht in de ruimtes van het zachte weefsel.
De gebruiker wordt sterk geadviseerd het
spuitstuk nooit direct op het tandvleesweefsel of
in de gingivale sulcus te richen.
Maak tijdens de behandeling kleine
draaiende bewegingen.
Polijst tenslotte na de behandeling alle tandop-
pervlakken door het waterdebiet op het maximum
in te stellen.
05/02/2020 09:14
05/02/2020 09:14

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