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Operation; Mist Cooler System; Grinding Pressure - HTC 2500 iX Manual



A concrete floor should ideally be ground according to the
following pattern (see figure below).

Mist Cooler System

If the mist system is to be used, the pump is activated/
deactivated via the display. Press the MIST button under
the SERVICE page. When the Mist Cooler System is being
activated, this is indicated with a yellow symbol. When the
system is active, this is indicated with a green symbol. The
Mist Cooler System only works when the grinding heads are

Grinding pressure

If grinding pressure is required, press the GRINDING PRES-
SURE button under the SERVICE page in the display. When
the function is being activated, the symbol turns yellow.
When the system is active, this is indicated with a green
symbol. The grinding pressure can be adjusted variably via
a pressure limiter, situated by the left-hand front wheel. Test
which air pressure is most suitable.
The system only works when the grinding heads are in their
lower position.
In order to stop grinding, set the GRINDING knob in the
OFF position and move the left-hand control lever to neutral.


