Special Considerations Regarding Ip Assignment; Device Name Assignment; Assigning The Device Name Using The Web Interface - Comtrol DeviceMaster PNIO 2000 Series User Manual

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Regarding IP

Device Name Assignment

Assigning the
Device Name Using
the Web Interface
DeviceMaster PNIO | UP User Guide: 2000639 Rev. A
the web interface will not work. Refer to the next subsection for more
When an IP address is assigned by an IO controller, the DeviceMaster does not
store the assigned IP address in the non-volatile memory. If the DeviceMaster is
rebooted, it starts with the IP address after the reboot. The DeviceMaster
stays in that state until a connection is reestablished with the IO controller, at
which point the (same) IP address is reassigned by the IO controller. This behavior
is a requirement of the PROFINET specification.
Since the is not a valid IP address, the DeviceMaster is not assessable via
the web interface, Telnet, or SSH. You can use PortVision DX and TIA Portal to
discover the DeviceMaster and assign a static IP address
DeviceMaster for Configuration
Comtrol recommends using static IP address assignment when possible. The web
interface always works regardless of the presence of an IO controller or not.
In addition, DCP IP assignment overwrites the static or DHCP IP assignment. For
example: an IO controller is configured to set IP address in the project. The IO
controller is powered off temporarily. A new IP address is assigned to the
DeviceMaster using PortVision DX. Later when the IO controller is turned back
on, it changes the gateway's IP address back to the address that was configured in
the project.
Use one of the following methods to configure the Device Name.
Web interface
TIA Portal
You can use the Network | Configuration page to assign the device name for
1. If necessary, open the gateway web interface with your web browser using the
IP address.
2. Click Network | Configuration.
3. Enter the PROFINET IO Device Name. The PROFINET IO device name is not
case-sensitive and the default is empty. The device name must be specified
according to DNS conventions.
Restricted to a total of 240 characters (letters, digits, dash or period).
Parts of the name within the device name; in other words, a string between
two periods, must not exceed a maximum of 63 characters.
No special characters such as umlauts (ä, ö etc.), brackets, underscore,
slash, blank etc. The dash is the only permitted special character.
The device name must not begin or end with the "-" character.
The device name must not begin with numbers.
The device name must not have the structure n.n.n.n (n = 0...999).
The device name must not begin with the character string "port-xyz-" (x , y,
z = 0...9).
Configuring the DeviceMaster in TIA Portal
on Page 23.
Configuring the DeviceMaster in TIA Portal - 75
(Preparing the


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