Kidde Fire Protection ANTARES Manual page 59

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Upon entering the zone number the single message will be transmitted to the panel. Having
transmitted the message the display will return to the display of fig 3.3.18, i.e. ready to accept
a further single message. When ready to terminate the single message transmit mode, entry of
device 0 will return the Psion to the keypad mode.
Load allows the creation of a text message file on the Psion from data extracted from the panel.
As with the previous two options the serial communication lead must be inserted and installed
before Load is selected. When selected the Psion tests to see if an existing temp file is already
existing. If no such file exists the loading will commence immediately, otherwise the Psion will
request whether the temp file is to be saved before being deleted, fig 3.3.21.
Existing temp file
Save before deleting
Y or N
The panel will automatically transmit data upon which the Psion will display each message as
it is received, see fig 3.3.19. The panel will also display the messages as they are transmitted.
If no data is received within approx two minutes the Psion will revert to the keypad mode.
Device 24
Zone 12
Message :-
When the terminating message is received the Psion will display, the number of messages
received and a request as to whether the temp file just created and stored in the Psion RAM,
is to be saved or not, see fig 3.3.21.
126 Messages
Save file to 'C'?
Y or N
A simple Y or N operation is all that is required. If the Y option is selected the Psion will request
a file name to be entered. Having entered the file name, or after pressing N the Psion will revert
to the keypad mode and the panel to the Loop Select level mode.
Fig 3.3.21
Lecture theatre
Fig 3.3.22
Fig 3.3.23
Page 59 of 91
Issue 2.01


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