Table of Contents


The alarms will remain sounding until the 'SILENCE ALARMS' is operated. For two
seconds after silencing the alarms the second line of the LCD/VFD will read ALARMS
SILENCED, after which the display will return to normal.

3.1.6 Keypad

The keypad is used to set up the panel initially and to provide operator functions. Three menu
levels are provided, the first being directly assessable when the ACCESS/INHIBIT switch is
turned to the access position. The second requires the panel to be in the ACCESS condition,
followed by the keying in of a number in the range of 0000 to 9999. Four digits must be entered
every time. The third menu is reached from the second and hence also requires the entry of the
The panel will normally display on the top line, the date and time and on the bottom line
STATUS NORMAL, (see section 4.4.1).
In general the function of numeric keys on the keypad, is to numerical data for zone, loop, and
device selection. The two function keys are for accepting options or data. The two functions keys
provide the following actions:
In normal operation the ENTER/YES is used to select the option displayed or to accept the
numeric data entered as requested. The CANCEL/NO key normally steps the menu to the
next option or cancels the data entered and then returns the system to the previous menu
level. Hence all menu options can be displayed by repetitive operation of the CANCEL/NO
key. When all have been displayed a further switch operation will return the display to the
first option.
The menus described below can be accessed from the PANEL IN ACCESS mode or when
any fault or pre-alarm is being displayed, and the keyswitch is turned to the ACCESS
position. Access to the menus is inhibited in fire condition.
Except from TEST MODE or during REFER TO REMOTE COMPUTER the system will
always return to the PANEL IN ACCESS mode, (or to the fault indication mode when
appropriate), automatically if no keypad activity occurs within a specific time period, (approx
30 seconds). From any menu condition selection of the INHIBIT position of the keyswitch
will immediately return the panel to the STATUS NORMAL or PLEASE CALL ENGINEER
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Issue 2.01


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Table of Contents